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Creator: Kansas. Governor

4899 matches, Page 8 of 196

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ID Title Creator Date Material Type & Level Online?
452977 Applications, Etc. - Labor Commission, 1914, A-R Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452978 Applications, Etc. - Labor Commission, 1914, S-W Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452979 Applications, Etc. - Labor Commission, 1915 Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452986 Applications, Etc. - Misc. & Minor, A-H Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452987 Applications, Etc. - Misc. & Minor, I-O Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452989 Applications, Etc. - Misc. & Minor, P-end Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452981 Applications, Etc. - Public Utilities Commission, 1914, A-K Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452982 Applications, Etc. - Public Utilities Commission, 1914, L-Z Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452983 Applications, Etc. - Public Utilities Commission, 1915 Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452984 Applications, Etc. - Tax Commission, 1914 Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
452985 Applications, Etc. - Tax Commission, 1915 Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
454468 Applications for Enumerators and Supervisors Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John) 1879-1880 Government record (Folder) View
193790 Applications for pardon Governor's Office. Pardon and Extradition Attorney 1868-1877 Government record (Series) No
451778 Applications for Positions Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) February 20, 1915 Government record (Folder) View
194090 Applications For Requisitions - Series I & II Governor's Office. Pardon and Extradition Attorney 1874-1953 Government record (Series) No
453652 Applications: Miscellaneous posts Kansas. Governor (1865-1868 : Crawford) 1865-1867 Government record (Folder) View
453653 Applications: Penitentiary, Kansas State Kansas. Governor (1865-1868 : Crawford) 1868 Government record (Folder) View
456376 Applications, recommendations, and endorsements Kansas. Governor (1899-1903 : Stanley) 1898-1903 Government record (Subseries) No
457645 Applications, recommendations, and endorsements Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902-1905 Government record (Subseries) No
472274 Applications, recommendations, and endorsements Kansas. Governor (1905-1909: Hoch) 1904-1909 Government record (Subseries) No
455795 Applications, recommendations, and remonstrances Kansas. Governor (1895-1897 : Morrill) 1894-1897 Government record (Subseries) No
452990 Applications (Women) - Misc. & Minor, 1914-1915 Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper) 1915-1919 Government record (Folder) No
453947 Appointment file Kansas. Governor (1868-1869 : Green) November 1868-January 1869 Government record (Folder) View
305047 Appointment files Governor's Office. Harvey, James Administration 1869 - 1872 (Subseries) No
194444 Appointment Files Kansas. Governor (1967-1975 : Docking) 1967-1974 Government record (Series) No
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