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National and State Registers of Historic Places

Bridge #222 - Off System Bridge

Picture of property NE 60 Ave. S & NE 210 Rd. 1/8 mile East on 210 Rd
Beaver (Barton County)
Listed in National Register Jul 2, 2008

Architect: Works Projects Administration
Category: road-related
Thematic Nomination: New Deal-era Resources of Kansas

Located on a rural county road near Beaver, this concrete and stone bridge spans a tributary of Beaver Creek in northeast Barton County. Bridge construction was completed in 1940 as a Works Projects Administration job. "WPA" is stamped in the north concrete curb and "1940" is stamped in the south concrete curb. The bridge supports and foundation are made of native limestone, and the deck is made of concrete. Concrete bridge rails span the length of the bridge on each side. The county-owned bridge is nominated for its association with the WPA and for its native limestone construction.

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