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National and State Registers of Historic Places

Menno Community Hall

Picture of property Kendall vicinity
Kendall (Hamilton County)
Listed in National Register Mar 25, 2003

Architect: Howard T. Blanchard
Category: religious facility; clubhouse; meeting hall
Thematic Nomination: New Deal-era Resources of Kansas

Built in 1937 during the Great Depression, the Menno Community Hall took nearly a year to build. It began as a Works Progress Administration project to provide the rural families surrounding Menno a venue for entertainment, club meetings, and events. This WPA Rustic-style building was designed by Howard T. Blanchard of Garden City, and it was built to replace a previous community hall. Its construction was funded by the local Community Club, and the project provided important work opportunities for local men. The surrounding communities used the hall for events such as religious worship, sewing circles, 4-H meetings, plays, and talent shows. It was nominated as part of the "New Deal-Era Resources of Kansas" multiple property nomination for its architecture and association with local entertainment and recreational history.

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