Byre and Bluff Barns of Doniphan County
Thematic Nomination and Multiple Property Documentation
National Register of Historic Places
Doniphan County
Associated Properties
- Albers, Albert, Barn (Bendena)
- Bohr, Nicholas, Barn/Staudenmaeir Barn (Troy)
- Chrystal, Herman, Barn (Wathena)
- Eylar, Matthew, Barn No. 1 (Denton)
- Eylar, Matthew, Barn No. 2 (Denton)
- Hale, John R., Barn (Highland)
- Hanson, George, Barn (Leona)
- Kienhoff, Fred W., Barn (Wathena)
- Kinkead, George, Barn (Troy)
- Nuzum, Godfrey, Barn (Highland)
- Silvers, John, Barn (Wathena)
- Streib, John, Barn (Leona)
- Symns, J.A., Barn (Troy)
- White (T.L.) Barn (Troy)
- Williams, M.D.L., Barn (Bendena)