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Craftsman-Style Dwellings of Emporia, 1900-1930

Thematic Nomination and Multiple Property Documentation
National Register of Historic Places

Lyon County

This multiple property document provides a context for understanding the Craftsman architectural style and its prevalence in Emporia, Kansas. The document discusses the settlement and development of Emporia, architects and building suppliers in Emporia during the early 20th century, and the Craftsman movement of the early 20th century. The popularity of the Craftsman movement coincided with a period of major growth in Emporia, resulting in the construction of many examples of the style. Craftsman-style property types found throughout Emporia and identified in the document include gable-front, side-gable, and cross-gable bungalows, open-gable cottages, and unique composite forms. No properties are nominated as part of this project at this time.


Associated Properties