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Abolition, segregation, civil rights

Image of broadside advertises the availability of land in Nicodemus, "All Colord People that want to go to Kansas..." 1877Athearn, Robert G. In Search of Canaan: Black Migration to Kansas, 1879-1880. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1978.

Berwanger, Eugene H. The Frontier Against Slavery: Western Anti-Negro Prejudice and the Slavery Extension Controversy. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1967.

Brady, Marilyn Dell. "Kansas Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, 1900-1930." Kansas History 9 (Spring 1986): 19-30.

Carper, James C. "The Popular Ideology of Segregated Schooling: Attitudes toward the Education of Blacks in Kansas, 1854-1900." Kansas History 1 (Winter 1978): 254-265.

Cecil-Fronsman, Bill. "`Death to all Yankees and Traitors in Kansas': The Squatter Sovereign and the Defense of Slavery in Kansas." Kansas History 16 (Spring 1993): 22-33.

Chaudhuri, Nupur. "`We All Seem Like Brother and Sisters': The African American Community in Manhattan, Kansas, 1865-1940." Kansas History 14 (Winter 1991/92): 270-288.

Cooper, Arnold. "'Protection to All, Discrimination to None': The Parsons Weekly Blade, 1892-1900." Kansas History 9 (Summer 1986): 58-71.

Doherty, Joseph P. Civil Rights in Kansas: Past, Present and Future. Topeka: Kansas Commission on Civil Rights, 1972. This booklet provides a brief but helpful overview by a former Assistant Director and Acting Director of the Kansas Commission on Civil Rights.

Fellman, Michael. "Julia Louisa Lovejoy Goes West." Western Humanities Review 31 (Summer 1977): 227-242. Examines the "range and depth" of Julia's experiences" in Kansas Territory.

Fellman, Michael. "Rehearsal for the Civil War: Antislavery and Proslavery at the Fighting Point in Kansas, 1854-1856." In Antislavery Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Abolitionists. Lewis Perry and Michael Fellman, eds. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1979, pp. 287-307.

Johnson, David W. "Freesoilers for God: Kansas Newspaper Editors and the Antislavery Crusade." Kansas History 2 (Summer 1979): 74-85.

1948 photograph of Esther Swirk Brown (1917-1970), was involved in desegregating Walker School, an all black school in South Park, Johnson County.Katz, Milton S., and Susan B. Tucker. "A Pioneer in Civil Rights: Esther Brown and the South Park Desegragation Case of 1948." Kansas History 18 (Winter 1995/1996): 234-247. Brown, a social activist who was later instrumental in the Brown v. Board case, played a lead role in the successful fight to get this Kansas City area school system to end illegal segragation.

Kluger, Richard. Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1976.

Malin, James C. "Kansas: Some Reflections on Culture Inheritance and Originality [1854-1905]." Journal of the Central Mississippi Valley American Studies Association 2 (Fall 1961): 3-19. New Englanders were relatively few in number but had considerable influence on events of territorial Kansas.

(McCoy) Van Meter, Sondra. "Black Resistance to Segregation in the Wichita Public Schools, 1870-1912." Midwest Quarterly 20 (Autumn 1978): 64-77.

McCusker, Kristine M. "`The Forgotten Years' of America's Civil Rights Movement: Wartime Protests at the University of Kansas, 1939-1945." Kansas History 17 (Spring 1994): 26-37. Inspired by the wartime rhetoric of A. Phillip Randolph and others, black and white students united in opposition to discriminatory policies on the university's Lawrence campus.

Painter, Nell Irvin. Exodusters: Black Migration to Kansas After Reconstruction. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977. Based on a doctoral dissertation done at Harvard, 1974.

Schmeller, Erik S. "Propagandists for a Free-State Kansas: New York Times' Correspondents and Bleeding Kansas, 1856." Heritage of the Great Plains 23 (Summer 1990): 7-14. Describes the activities and writings of men like William Hutchinson and Richard Hinton, special Times correspondents.

SenGupta, Gunja. "`A Model New England State': Northeastern Antislavery in Territorial Kansas, 1854-1860." Civil War History 39 (March 1993): 31-46.

__________. "Christian Abolitionists and the Slave Power: The American Missionary Association in Territorial Kansas, 1854-1858." Kansas History 16 (Autumn 1993): forthcoming.

__________. For God and Mammon: Evangelicals and Entrepreneurs, Masters and Slaves in Territorial Kansas, 1854-1860. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, 1996. An intriguing examination of the complexity of free-state movement in Kansas Territory as well as the ideology and dynamics of proslavery activism.

Shortridge, James R. "People of the New Frontier: Kansas Population Origins, 1865." Kansas History 14 (Autumn 1991): 162-185.

Williams, Nudie E. "Black Newspapers and the Exodusters of 1879." Kansas History 8 (Winter 1985/86): 217-225.

Image of Topeka State Journal, May 17, 1954, headline on Brown v. Bd.Wilson, Paul E. "Brown v. Board of Education Revisited." University of Kansas Law Review 12 (May 1964): 507-524. Wilson, one of four assistants to Attorney General Harold Fatzer, was counsel for the state of Kansas in Brown.

Woods, Randall B. "After the Exodus: John Lewis Waller and the Black Elite, 1878-1900." Kansas Historcial Quarterly 43 (Summer 1977): 172.

__________. "Integration, Exclusion, or Segregation? The `Color Line' in Kansas, 1878-1900." Western Historical Quarterly 14 (April 1983): 181-198.