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Albert M. Cole Papers

Albert M ColeManuscript Collection No. 40



The papers of Albert M. Cole were donated to the Kansas State Historical Society on January 2, 1953. The collection was closed to the public by donor request until May 19, 1960. At that time Congressman Cole permitted the collection to be open to researchers who obtained formal permission to use the papers. In 1964 this final restriction was removed and the collection has been available for unlimited public use since that time.

Cole served as U. S. Representative from Kansas’ 1st District from 1945 to 1953. The collection details this phase of Cole’s political career and is housed in 40 boxes. The records are divided into three series: general correspondence, departmental correspondence, and legislative correspondence.

The collection consists primarily of correspondence between Cole and his constituents. It also contains a small amount of correspondence that Cole initiated with various agencies and departments within the federal government. Many letters from 1st District residents are accompanied by current newspaper clippings and magazine articles. The collection contains a small number of completed questionnaires that were sent to constituents by Congressman Cole’s office. Copies of numerous House bills, Senate bills, and joint resolutions are scattered throughout. Many of the House bills were introduced by Cole. The collection also includes a large number of maps that illustrate sections of waterways and flood control proposals from various locations within the 1st District.


Albert McDonald Cole was born in Moberly, Missouri, on October 13, 1901, to Walter I. and Mary B. Cole. He attended public grade school in Topeka, Kansas, and public high school in Sabetha, Kansas. Following graduation from Sabetha High School, Cole entered Washburn College (now Washburn University) in Topeka. He graduated from the University of Chicago with an L.L.B. degree in 1925. In 1926 Cole was admitted to the bar and established a law practice in Holton, Kansas.

From 1927 until 1931 Cole served as county attorney for Jackson County, Kansas. From 1931 to 1943 he served as both member and president of the Holton School Board. In 1941 Cole was elected to the state Senate, where he represented Jackson and Atchison counties until 1944. He served on the Legislative Council.

Cole first ran for Congress in 1944. He defeated Republican incumbent W. P. Lambertson in the primary election by a 2,500 vote margin. Cole defeated Ralph Ulm, the Democratic candidate in the general election, by more than a two-to-one margin. In 1946 Lambertson attempted to regain the congressional seat but lost the Republican primary to Cole by 8,000 votes. Cole had little difficulty winning re-election until he was narrowly defeated in the fall of 1952 by Howard S. Miller. Cole’s decision to support the construction of the Tuttle Creek Dam in his district is frequently cited as the major reason for his defeat.

Cole continued to defend his position on the Tuttle Creek Dam. He remained convinced that flooding in northeast Kansas could only be alleviated by the creation of a large reservoir. Cole believed that the success of Tuttle Creek encouraged the construction of other large dams in the area (such as Milford and Perry) and that this system of large dams was effective in providing flood control for the Kansas River Valley. He also regarded the recreational facilities which the resulting lakes provided as an important secondary benefit of these structures.

In 1953 Cole succeeded Raymond M. Foley as administrator of the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency (HHFA). He was nominated for the position by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. As HHFA administrator Cole reorganized government mortgage-loan guarantee procedures, introduced concern for good design into the federal housing program, helped guide the urban-renewal program, and worked to encourage industry to invest in urban development. At the conclusion of the Eisenhower administration he accepted a position with the law offices of McKenna, Conner, and Cuneo in Washington, D. C., as a consultant on mortgage matters and as an adviser of corporations involved in housing and urban development. In 1981 he was named to the National Association of Home Builders’ Housing Hall of Fame for “encouraging the private sector to play an active part in housing for the poor.” Cole has long been described as a leading expert in his field. Cole married the former Emily Corbin. They had two children, Kitty (later Kitty Kaul) and Will.

Scope and Content

Material in the collection is dated between November 1944 and January 1953, the date of Cole’s retirement from the U.S. House of Representatives. The collection also contains a few pieces of correspondence that were exchanged between W. P. Lambertson and 1st District constituents. These date from the early 1940s.

During the 79th Congress (1945-46), Cole served on three committees: Census, Public Roads, and Claims. Although he continued his work on these committees during the 80th Congress (1947-49), he was also assigned to the more important Committee on Banking and Currency. Cole continued to serve on this committee throughout the remainder of his congressional career. His membership on the Banking and Currency Committee enabled Cole to play a major role in the House investigation of the Lustron Corporation when Lustron appeared to have wasted funds derived from a Reconstruction Finance Corporation loan.

The collection consists primarily of correspondence concerning various aspects of the flood control issue that was prominent in Kansas politics in the 1950s. During Cole’s final term in office, Congress authorized construction of the Tuttle Creek Dam on the Big Blue River. Controversy over the project developed because it required the permanent resettlement of many residents of the Blue Valley north of Manhattan. Much of the correspondence consists of letters containing various flood control suggestions and complaints about the prospects of the dam’s construction. Relatedly, a large segment of the collection deals with the massive flood that devastated North Topeka in 1951. Damage reports as well as accounts of relief efforts undertaken during the aftermath of this flood are included. The general correspondence files reflect the diversity of constituent opinion between Topeka residents who favored big dam legislation and citizens from rural areas who opposed such projects. Cole’s difficulty in finding a position that would appeal to both sides of the issue is clearly reflected in his written replies to constituent letters. The gradual change in Cole’s attitude about flood control is particularly noteworthy. Although he originally rejected the construction of large dams and favored the soil conservation-watershed approach to flood control, he gradually came to support the Tuttle Creek Dam proposal, believing it to be the only flood prevention plan for which Congress would appropriate funds.

Cole received a substantial amount of correspondence concerning the economic and social problems of individual constituents. During the Second World War his office received many requests from constituents on behalf of relatives in the armed forces who were seeking discharges and furloughs. For years after the war ended he also received numerous veteran requests for assistance. These segments of the collection document the problems with which many of Cole’s constituents were confronted as they attempted to adjust to the displacement brought on by the war and its aftermath.

The movement to establish Universal Military Training is also documented in the collection. During the post-war era there was a nationwide movement in favor of establishing mandatory military training for eighteen year olds. The memory of America’s lack of military preparedness at the beginning of the Second World War haunted many in this country. Those who opposed this plan argued that a state of increased military preparedness would lead to the establishment of the type of military dictatorship that had dominated many European nations during the 1930s. Although Cole eventually supported legislation that provided for peacetime conscription, he had serious reservations about the program. The correspondence he exchanged with his constituents reveals the various considerations involved in the enactment of this measure.

In 1949 Cole played an active role in the Committee on Banking and Currency investigation of the Lustron Corporation. Lustron was a manufacturer of pre-fabricated houses. In 1949 the corporation had received a substantial loan from the federal government through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to assist in the mass production of housing units. When Lustron allegedly mismanaged its funds and failed to produce the number of units expected, the integrity of the corporation’s business practices and the loan policies of the RFC came into question. Cole’s involvement in the subsequent House investigation of Lustron resulted in a large amount of public attention and illustrates well his fundamental belief that, whenever possible, government should not interfere in private enterprise. Although this segment of the collection is brief it provides an overview of Cole’s participation in the investigation.
The collection also contains materials regarding a number of other issues of both national and regional importance. During much of the post-war era the country experienced turmoil concerning large scale labor disputes. In the late 1940s numerous crippling strikes occurred within the railroad, coal, and steel industries. Several controversial pieces of legislation were proposed as a means of dealing with the situation. In particular, the National Labor Relations Act, the Taft-Hartley Labor Control Act, and the Fair Employment Practice Control Act were the source of much debate. The collection reflects the diversity of opinion that existed among Cole’s constituents concerning these laws.

The Office of Price Administration (OPA) was another source of great concern to the residents of northeast Kansas as well as the country in general during the 1940s. Originally created as a means of stabilizing the nation’s economy during the depression of the 1930s, the agency, by the end of the war, had come to be deeply resented by both business and consumers. Businessmen objected to OPA policy, as it severely limited their profits and required substantial amounts of paperwork. Consumers objected to the OPA price ceilings, which discouraged the manufacture of many consumer goods. The situation worsened when Congress voted to extend the existence of the OPA and its stringent regulations for several months after the war had ended. The correspondence Cole received from his constituents reflects the sense of dissatisfaction many people felt as a result of OPA infringements upon standard business procedures. Much of it consists of charges of corruption leveled against the OPA rent control office in Manhattan, Kansas.

Many of Cole’s constituents felt threatened by communism. The encroachments of the Soviet government upon the territorial integrity of Iran and the nations of eastern Europe immediately following the war served as confirmation of American suspicions concerning the danger of communist aggrandizement. Many of his constituents expressed these fears in letters to Cole and urged him to endorse any proposals related to the containment of Soviet expansionism. Wisconsin U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy warned the American people of the presence of communist sympathizers, whether real or imagined, within the borders of the United States. The collection contains a significant amount of correspondence that reveals the reactions of Cole’s constituents to the hearings held by the House Un-American Activities Committee. The struggle which took place between Communist and Nationalist forces on mainland China during the late 1940s was also of concern to residents of northeast Kansas. Constituents wrote to Cole in large numbers expressing their conviction that the United States should officially recognize the Nationalist regime of Chiang Kai-shek as the true government of China. The fear of communism that gripped the United States during the post-war era is another phenomenon that is well documented in the collection.

Cole strongly encouraged his constituents to send him their thoughts on all issues of concern to them. His office responded to virtually all of the letters and cards received from 1st District residents. The rapport Cole maintained with most of the voters was excellent. One of the strengths of the collection is that Cole never hesitated to inform constituents of his opinion even when his ideas conflicted with their own. Usually, his position on a given issue is clear. Another strength is that there are no chronological gaps in the general correspondence. Each of Cole’s four terms in the House is well represented by constituent correspondence reflecting the concerns of the 1st District residents. The departmental correspondence, however, has significant gaps. There is no departmental correspondence present from the years 1945, 1946, and 1950. The series of legislative correspondence is also incomplete. The collection only contains legislative correspondence from 1947 and 1949.

Contents List

Series Description

The collection consists of three series of papers: general correspondence, departmental correspondence, and legislative correspondence.

Series I, general correspondence series, fills twenty-seven boxes and portions of three additional boxes. The materials are dated from 1945 to 1952 and all folders have been placed in chronological order by year and then alphabetically by correspondent. An exception to this pattern occurs in boxes eleven and twelve where some general correspondence folders for 1947 have been filed alphabetically by the counties in which the individual constituents resided. Within each folder, however, the correspondence has been filed in chronological order by the date of Cole’s response to each inquiry. This chronological format enables the researcher to trace the evolution of Cole’s thought concerning controversial issues such as the Tuttle Creek Dam. The general correspondence series is the most valuable source of information in the collection.

Series I contains case files bearing the names of specific individuals. Each of these contains material that relates to the personal case of the constituent involved. Folders labeled “AMC” or “Albert M. Cole” relate to personal business concerns of Congressman Cole.

Certain filing practices that were used in the original arrangement of this series may be misleading. Occasionally a folder devoted entirely to correspondence concerning a controversial issue such as flood control or Universal Military Training may begin with a list of the names and addresses of individuals who have written to Cole, and the dates upon which the letters were received. These cannot be trusted as accurate indices of the folder’s contents. Although some are reliable in this regard, others are partially incomplete, and some are wholly unreliable. The lists should be used with caution.

The placement of materials relating to flood control is confusing. Boxes 39 and 40 are devoted entirely to papers that relate to the flood control effort in northeastern Kansas. Flood-related material can also be found in other containers. Many boxes in the collection include entire folders dealing with the flood problem. Single pieces of correspondence that pertain to this topic can be found throughout the collection. Some folders relating to large dam construction may bear the name of the river upon which the dam was built instead of the dam’s formal name. For example, folder two of box 39 is entitled “Delaware River,” but its contents relate to the proposed construction of Perry Dam, which was built on the Delaware River.
Series II, departmental correspondence, takes up five boxes and portions of three others. These can be found at various points within the second half of the collection. They consist primarily of Cole’s replies to constituent requests that involved further contact with specific government agencies. Frequently one finds multiple requests for government pamphlets designed to promote the use of better farming techniques. The materials contained in this series deal with the personal needs of individual constituents. The folders in this series have been placed in alphabetical order according to the subject of the papers contained in each. Within each folder the correspondence has again been arranged in chronological order, with Cole’s response preceding each constituent request.

Series III, legislative correspondence, is contained in boxes thirteen through fifteen. It is made up primarily of constituent correspondence that relates directly to pending legislation or to legislation that had been passed recently in the House. This is a highly useful segment of the collection because it highlights items on the legislative agenda that 1st District residents regarded as significant to their welfare, and reveals Cole’s thoughts concerning these proposals. The usefulness of the series is limited, however, by its brief and fragmentary nature. It only contains material for selected months in 1947 and 1949. The filing method is inconsistent. The folders of legislative correspondence in box thirteen are filed alphabetically by topic. In boxes fourteen and fifteen the folders are filed in chronological order, according to the date of the responses Cole sent to the constituent inquiries.

--Shane N. Galentine
Lela Barnes Intern
Summer, 1987

Box List

Box 1
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1945 (A – D)

Box 2
79th Congress, General Correspondence (Dumbarton Oaks – M)

Box 3
79th Congress, General Correspondence (M – Z)

Box 4
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (A – Claims)

Box 5
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (Compulsory Military
Training – G)

Box 6
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (H – K)

Box 7
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (L – McMahon)

Box 8
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (Military – R)

Box 9
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (S – Tuttle Creek)

Box 10
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (U – Z)

Box 11
80th Congress, General Correspondence, By County, 1947 – 1948
(Atchison – Nemaha)

Box 12
80th Congress, General Correspondence, By County, 1947 – 1948
(Pottawatomie – Washington)

Box 13
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1947 – 1948
Legislative Correspondence, Alphabetical, 1947
(Barden Bill – Newspapers)

Box 14
80th Congress, Legislative Correspondence, 1947, By Month
(Jan. – May 1)

Box 15
80th Congress, Legislative Correspondence, 1947, By Month
(May 2 – July)

Box 16
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (A – C)

Box 17
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (Carther – G)

Box 18
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (Glenn – J)

Box 19
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (Jackson – P)

Box 20
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (Pi – Wa)

Box 21
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (Wait – Z);
Richard Van Winkle files
Departmental Correspondence, 1947-48 (A)

Box 22
80th Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1947-48 (Ag. – V. A.)

Box 23
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1949 (A – H)

Box 24
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1949 (I – Ray)

Box 25
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1949 (R – Z);
Departmental Correspondence, 1949 (Army)

Box 26
81st Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1949 (A – L)

Box 27
81st Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1949 (M – Z)

Box 28
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1950 (A – Snowden)

Box 29
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1950 (So – Z)

Box 30
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1951 (A – C)

Box 31
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1951 (D – O)

Box 32
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1951 (P – Z)

Box 33
82nd Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1951 (A – Flood)

Box 34 82nd Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1951 (Flood – W)

Box 35
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1952 (A – Mc)

Box 36
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1952 (M – S)

Box 37
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1952 (T – Z)

Box 38
82nd Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1952 (A – V)

Box 39
Flood Control & Legislation

Box 40
Flood Control & Legislation

Folder Listing

(Note: The following list is not intended as an index of all materials included within the collection. The topics listed here are merely representative of the thematic emphasis of the materials contained in each folder. Dates on boxes represent sessions of Congress, though dates of individual letters or folders may be earlier or later.)

Box 1
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1945 (A – D)

1 – A (Jan. – July, 1945) labor, peacetime conscription, July Whiskey
Holiday, Henry A. Wallace, “National Draft Legislation,” universal
military training, world peace, amendment to Railroad Retirement Act,
Hartley Amendment to the Price Control Act.

2 – Agricultural Adjustment Agency (Jan. – April, 1945).

3 – B (Feb. – July, 1946) Federal Security Administration loans;
Office of Price Administration; Patman Amendment concerning
the housing problem; House Committee on Un-American Activities;
housing legislation; British loans; Pan-American Highway; help
locating German relatives in Russian zone; “Primary Nomination
Paper” for Cole’s candidacy in election of Aug. 6, 1946.

4 – B continued (Nov., 1944 – Oct., 1945) Social Security tax,
soldiers missing in war, possible appointees to Roosevelt cabinet,
furlough requests, Wagner-Murray-Dingle Amendments to the
Social Security Act, Office of Price Administration, peacetime
conscription, pay increases to federal employees.
H.R. 2090, introduced by Kansas Congressman W. P. Lambertson on
3/4/43 for the relief of C. N. Bunds, of Winchester,
Kansas, by reason of certain claims arising within the
World War period.
H.R. 593, introduced on 1/3/45 to amend Title IV of the
National Housing Act, and for other purposes.
H.R. 3396, introduced on 6/6/45, authorizes the Secretary of
the Interior to cancel the fee patents heretofore issued
on two Potawatomi Indian allotments.
S. 403, introduced on 1/25/45 to amend the Civil Service
Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, for the purpose of making
possible the crediting under such Act of certain periods of
State service.
S. 6119, a bill to provide vocational education and re-training
for veterans.

5 – Berridge, Scott (Jan. – May, 1945) Dies Committee concerning
un-American activities.

6 – C (Nov., 1944 – Oct., 1945) Tuttle Creek Dam, Social Security
tax, House Committee on Un-American Activities, compulsory
military training, plight of small business, renewal of reciprocal
trade agreements, construction of Holton Airport, the use of print
cloth in the construction of feed bags, Missouri Valley Authority,
flood control in Missouri Valley, Pick-Sloan plan of flood control,
Lucas Amendment to the Kilgore Bill regarding labor reform, price
ceilings set by Office of Price Administration, price guarantee from
the War Food Administration, pension for war veterans, Fair
Practice Act.

7 – Civil service (May – June, 1945) “Practice Booklet United
States Navy Officer Qualification Test.”

8 – Cole’s salary (Dec., 1944 – Jan., 1945).
9 – Colored (Jan., 1945).

10 – Committee assignments, H. R. (Jan., 1945).

11 – Compulsory military training (Nov., 1944 – July, 1946)
letter to Rev. Ormal L. Miller, dated 5/24/46, summarizes Cole’s
position on this issue.

12 – Cooperatives (Jan. – July, 1946), taxation of.

13 – D (Nov., 1944 – July, 1945) Tuttle Creek Dam, shortage
of shot gun shells used by farmers as a means of protecting their
property, Poll Tax Bill, inconsistencies in Manhattan OPA Rent
Control Office.
H. R. 2277, introduced on 2/20/45 to insure adequate
nursing care for the armed forces.

Box 2
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1945 (Dumbarton
Oaks – M)

1 – Dumbarton Oaks (Nov., 1944 – April, 1945) articles and
pamphlets concerning Dumbarton Oaks proposals for the
establishment of an international peace-keeping organization.

2 – E (Jan. – June, 1945) amendments to the Bankhead-Jones
Act, issue of raising postal rates on books, a pamphlet prepared
by the U. S. Civil Service Commission to explain the philosophy
behind the Veteran’s Preference Act of 1944.

3 – Education.

4 – F (Nov., 1944 – June, 1945) Pending aid to highways,
compulsory military training.

5 – Fight or work (Jan., 1945) concerns the concept that all
Americans had an obligation to either fight on the battlefield
or work at home in the production of war-related equipment.

6 – Fish and Game (Dec., 1944 – Jan., 1945)

7 – G (Nov., 1944 – Jan., 1946) OPA-gasoline rationing;
fight or work; compulsory military training; deferment
request; help prevent Communist takeover in Poland; OPA
discrimination; amendments to Railroad, Retirement and
Unemployment Acts; flood control; Bulwinkle Bill (H.R.
2536) concerning cooperative agreements between rail-
roads and other carriers; proposed extension of Emergency
Price Control Act; Fair Employment Practice Commission
bill regarding racial and religious discrimination; reciprocal
trade treaties.
H. R. 128, a bill dealing with invalid pensions
introduced on 1/3/45.

8 – H (Nov., 1944 – July, 1945) Tuttle Creek Dam, peacetime
conscription, Price Control Act, taxing of cooperatives, Nurse
Draft Bill, complaints against OPA, pay raise for postal employees,
Railroad Retirement Annuities Revision, inflated price of farm lands,
Bulwinkle Bill, flooding in the Marysville area, complaint about OPA
rent control office in Manhattan, flour subsidy, FEPC bill, discharges
for enlisted men.
S. 1046 – A bill to repeal section 2 of the Act entitled “An Act
for the Preservation of American Antiquities,” introduced on
H.R. 2241 – An Act to abolish the Jackson Hole National
Monument as created by Presidential Proclamation Numbered
2578, dated March 15, 1943.
H.R. 5058 – A bill to provide for the issuance of grazing permits
for livestock in the national parks and national monuments,
introduced on 6/19/44.

9 – Hamilton, W. L., Topeka (Jan., 1945) includes unidentified list of
names from each county in 1st District, fight or work.

10 – I (Jan. – April, 1945).

11 – J (Oct., 1944 – July, 1945) Tuttle Creek Dam, War Flood Order 1
concerning price relief in the baking industry, compulsory military
training, bigotry against African American nurses in U.S. Army, pay raise for
postal workers, Railroad Retirement Act, Bulwinkle Bill, readjustment
of veterans to civilian life, criticism of OPA.

12 – K (Jan. – July, 1945) complaints against OPA, work or fight bill,
appointment of Henry Wallace to Cabinet, manpower bill, increase pay
for postal employees, taxation of cooperative businesses.

13 – Lambertson (1944) various letters addressed to Congressman
Lambertson inquiring about former servicemen.

14 – L (Nov., 1944 – June, 1945) compulsory military training, Bretton
Woods world peace plan, Shipstead Bill concerning the use tax,
Bulwinkle Bill, flood control, general OPA, complaints against OPA
rent control office in Manhattan, Fair Employment Practice Control,
Dirksen Amendment to the OPA Act.

15 – M (Dec., 1944 – July, 1945) peacetime military conscription;
Hobbs Bill (required court review of reorganization of railroads in
receivership); pay raise for postal employees; Bulwinkle Bill,
deferment request; issue of whether or not print cloth should continue
to be used for feed sacks; Rent Control bill; ODT truck tax; Fair
Employment Practice Act, H.R. 2232; complaints about OPA rent
regulations in Manhattan.

Box 3
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1945 (N – Z)

1 – N (Jan. – June, 1945) postwar conscription, Tuttle Creek Dam,
complaints concerning OPA sugar and meat rationing.

2 – O (Dec., 1944 – July, 1945) flood situation in northeast Kansas,
proposed amendments to OPA, Patman Amendment.

3 – OPA – Administration (Dec., 1944 – May, 1945) OPA to Cole
explaining purpose of OPA; “5-Point Program Fixing Ceiling Prices
On Live Cattle”; letter by Chester Bowles, OPA administrator,
explaining the nature of the action that the OPA was taking in relation
to rationed foods; “Statement of Proposed Joint WPB-OPA Program
for Textiles and Clothing”; OPA to Cole announcing changes in
leather pricing regulations.

4 – P (Nov., 1944 – July, 1945) Gerlach Bill regarding cotton subsidy,
amendment to Railroad Retirement Act (H.R. 1362), increase salary
for postal employees, proposal to exempt annuities from Federal
Taxation (House Resolution 577), OPA, salary raise for federal
employees, printed feed sacks controversy, peacetime military
conscription, McGee court-martial.

5 – Q (Jan., 1945) Social Security and Unemployment Compensation

6 – R (Nov., 1944 – July, 1945) Federal Reserve Bank, flood control,
fight or work bill, Henry Wallace appointment to Cabinet, Nurse Draft
B ill, pay raise for postal employees, compulsory military training,
OPA meat situation, increased postal rate on books, OPA Rent Control
Administration in Manhattan, pay raise for public employees.

7 – Rudy, Cecil O. (Nov., 1944).

8 – S (Nov., 1944 – July, 1945) Peacetime conscription, Hobbs Bill,
Potawatomi Indian claims, appointment of Henry A. Wallace as
secretary of commerce, increased wages for postal workers.
S. 191, introduced on 1/10/45 to amend the Public Health
Service Act to authorize grants to the States for surveying
their hospitals and public health centers and for planning
construction of additional facilities, and to authorize grants
to assist in such construction.

9 – Schoeppel, Andrew F. – governor of Kansas (Jan. – Feb., 1945).

10 – T (Jan., 1944 – June, 1945) Military conscription bill, pay raise
for postal employees, sugar shortage, Missouri River Basin.

11 – Unions (Jan., 1945).

12 – V (Sept., 1944 – June, 1945) Tuttle Creek Dam,“July Liquor

13 – W (Jan. – June, 1945) Peacetime military training, Hobbs bill,
fairness in small business, amendment to Railroad Retirement Act,
Nurse Draft Bill, pay raise for postal employees, flood control,
Bulwinkle Bill, increase postage on books, Missouri Valley Authority,
OPA Manhattan rent control situation, Fair Employment Practice
Commission (FEPC) bill.
H.R. 1365 – a bill to liberalize the basis of eligibility for receipt
of disability retirement benefits as to emergency provisional,
probationary, and temporary officers of the World War, introduced
by Congressman Brooks on 1/11/45.

14 – Y (April, 1945).

15 – Z (Feb. – June, 1945) Print cloth for feed sacks.

Box 4
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (A – Claims)

1 – A (Aug., 1944 – Dec., 1946) OPA administrator explains rent situation
in Manhattan to Cole, gasoline rationing, compulsory peacetime military
training, problems of demobilization (helping ex-servicemen adjust and
find work), sugar rationing, flaxseed, tax exemptions for cooperative
associations, Patman Emergency Housing Bill, Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill
concerning housing industry, OPA, possibility of food rationing.

2 – AMC – Miscellaneous (Sept., 1945 – Dec., 1946).

3 – Appointments—Postmasters (July, 1946).

4 & 5 – B (June, 1945 – May, 1946) OPA, liquor problem, demobilization
problem, compulsory military training, post-war housing (National
Housing Administration and Office of Price Administration),
vocational education, reassignment of combat troops from Europe
to Asia, OPA (rent control), treatment of mental illness, veterans’
requests for advice concerning careers, post-war policing of European
countries, Kilgore-Forand Bill concerning unemployment compensation,
rights of telephone workers, labor strikes, unemployment compensation
bill, Gwynne Bill concerning the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938,
atomic energy, extension of war powers into peacetime economy,
Wagner-Ellender-Taft housing bill; Arend’s Amendment to the Smith-
Conally Bill, Miller-Tydings Enabling Act regarding price controls,
minimum wage issue, Crawford Amendment to Office of Price
Authority controls.

6 – B (June – Dec., 1946) liquor problem, OPA, OPA rent control in
Leavenworth, Tuttle Creek Dam.

7 – C (July, 1945 – July, 1946) termination of OPA, reassigning U.S.
troops from Europe to Asia, peacetime military conscription.

8 – C (Nov., 1945 – July, 1947) applications for military discharge.

9 – Claims (June, 1945 – Jan., 1946)

Box 5
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (Civilian Production
Board – G)

1 – Civilian Production Board (March – April, 1946) shortage of rayon
yarns to hosiery mills, housing program for veterans.

2 – Cole personal (Jan. – June, 1945) pay raise for federal employees;
reaction to Cole’s affirmative vote concerning expense bill for members
of House; a photograph of Albert Cole, Mrs. Cole, and Senator Capper
printed in the Beloit Call, 11/10/44.

3 – Compulsory military training (Oct., 1945 – Jan., 1946) statements
of opinion from constituents in 1st District.

4 – D (June, 1945 – Jan., 1946) personal claim against U. S. Army,
peacetime military conscription, Missouri Valley Authority, Gwynne
B ill, OPA, flood control, Patman Bill, FEPC, atomic energy.

5 – D Continued (Jan. – Nov., 1946)

6 – E (Aug., 1945 – June, 1946) transfer of troops from European to
Pacific Theater of war, OPA regulations, increase salaries for govern-
ment workers, complaints against OPA rent regulations.

7 – F (July, 1945 – Dec., 1946) discharge requests, Wagner-
Ellender-Taft Bill, minimum wage law, OPA (ceiling on price
of grain), Patman Bill; Tuttle Creek Dam.

8 – Fair Employment Practice Commission (Oct., 1944 – June, 1945)
“Summary of the Scope, Powers and Limitations of the Bill for a
Permanent Fair Employment Practice Commission As Compared with
the Present FEPC,” “Partial List of Organizations on Record in Congress
as Urging Early and Favorable Action on the Permanent FEPC Bill.”

9 – FBI (Feb. – March, 1946) movement to oust J. Edgar Hoover as
director, Committee on Un-American Activities.

10 – Federal Home Loan Bank administration (Jan., 1945 – Jan., 1946).

11 – G (Aug., 1945 – March, 1946) compulsory military conscription,
OPA, Cole’s vote in favor of increasing Congressional salary, Gwynne
B ill; Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill, criticisms of OPA rent control, bill
providing increase in salary for federal employees, Patman Bill, atomic
bomb, Missouri Valley Authority.

12 – G Continued (March – Dec., 1946).

Box 6
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (H-K)

1 – H (June – Dec., 1946) OPA-rent complaints.

2 – H Continued (June, 1945 – Jan., 1946) Missouri Valley Authority,
compulsory military training, discharge requests, OPA, pay increase
for federal employees, Tuttle Creek Dam, Gwynne Bill; Wagner-
Ellender-Taft Bill.

3 – H Continued (Jan. – March, 1946) minimum wage bill, OPA,
Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill.

4 – H Continued (March – July, 1946) OPA, pay raise for federal
employees, Milford Dam, services for the blind in Kansas.

5 – J (July, 1945 – Dec., 1946) OPA, Pan-American Highway, atomic
bomb, compulsory military training, taxation of cooperatives.

6 – K ( June – Dec., 1946) 1945 Agricultural Conservation Program,
peacetime conscription, National Labor Relations Act, OPA, veterans’
housing bill, atomic bomb, taxation of cooperatives, Pan-American

Box 7
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (L – McMahon bill)

1 – L (July, 1945 – Nov., 1946) compulsory military training, OPA:
OPA rent control in Manhattan, Patman Bill, Wagner Act concerning
workers’ rights, minimum wage law, atomic energy, Rural Electri-
fication Administration.

2 – Legislation (April, 1945 – June, 1946) wage and hour legislation,
Wagner Act, pension legislation.

3 – Legislation Continued (June – July, 1946) labor disputes, OPA,
disabled veterans, Railroad Retirement Act, Reserve Officers Retirement
B ill, taxation on cooperatives.

4 – M (July – Dec., 1946) vocational education in the 1st District, 1945-46
(several maps included).

5 – M Continued (July, 1945 – Jan., 1946) OPA, compulsory peacetime
military training, taxation of cooperatives, tax reduction bill, Gwynne
B ill, FEPC bill, U.S. loan to Britain.

6 – M Continued (Jan. – Feb., 1946) labor legislation, problems of
demobilization, minimum wage law, compulsory military training, OPA,
Patman Amendments, OPA rent controls, atom bomb, salary increase for
postal workers.

7 – McMahon Bill (June – July, 1946) deals with control over atomic

Box 8
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (McManigal— R)

1 – In re: John W. McManigal (Nov., 1945 – Feb., 1946) private case,
regarding a pension application.
H.R. 4816 – a bill, introduced by Cole on 11/27/45, to provide
for the advancement on the emergency officers’ retired list of
the Army of John W. McManigal. (2 copies)

2 – N (July, 1945 – Nov., 1946) compulsory military conscription, OPA,
railroad retirement plan, labor legislation, McMahon Bill, Agricultural
Adjustment Act.

3 – Naval Affairs (Feb. – July, 1945) “Information Regarding Navy Policy
and Procedure Relating to Release, Discharge, Resignation, Rotation of
Duty, Etc. of Naval Personnel.”

4 – O (Sept., 1945 – Nov., 1946) Tuttle Creek Dam, Ball-Burton-
Hatch Bill dealing with labor problems, Missouri Valley Authority,
minimum wage bill, OPA, REA.

5 – P (May, 1943 – Dec., 1946) Missouri Valley Authority, OPA,
atom bomb, compulsory military training, Un-American Activities
Committee, Crawford Amendment to OPA, pay raise for federal
employees, McMahon bill.

6 – Q (Aug., 1945 – April, 1946) demobilization problems.

7 – R (Aug. – Dec., 1946) sugar shortage, minimum wage law,
Gwynne Bill.

8 – R (July, 1945 – June, 1946) compulsory military training, OPA,
labor strikes, OPA rent controls, labor-management relations, Un-
American Activities Committee, McMahon Bill.

Box 9
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946 (S – Tuttle Creek Dam)

1 – S (July – November, 1945) compulsory military training, discharge
requests, increased postal rates on books, OPA, problems of labor,
National Labor Relations Act, GI Bill.

2 – S Continued (Nov., 1945 – March, 1946) compulsory military
conscription, price controls, atomic energy, U.S. loan to Britain,
labor strikes, Patman Bill, OPA, Wage-Hour Law; Case Bill (an
antistrike bill), OPA restrictions on lumber yard business.

3 – S Continued (Aug. – Dec., 1946) OPA, the tax-free status of
business cooperatives.

4 – S Continued (March – July, 1946) atomic energy, OPA,
pay bill, Patman Amendment to OPA, problems of labor unions.

5 – Selective Service (Jan. – Oct., 1945) Tydings Amendment
concerning induction status.

6 – T (July, 1945 – Oct., 1946) compulsory military conscription,
Fair Employment Practice Act, GI Bill of Rights, Federal Wage
and Hour Law, Patman Bill, Pan-American Highway, sugar
shortage, coal workers’ strikes.

7 – Tuttle Creek Dam (Jan. – March, 1946) letters from Blue Valley
residents opposing Tuttle Creek Dam.

Box 10
79th Congress, General Correspondence, 1946, (U – Z)

1 – U (Sept., 1945 – April, 1946) discharge requests, Crawford
Amendment to OPA, OPA and rent control.

2 – V (Aug., 1945 – July, 1946) National Labor Relations Act,
labor strikes, labor-management relation problems.

3 – Veterans (Jan. – May, 1945) includes a list of individuals with
whom Cole corresponded concerning the problems of veterans;
the addresses of these people are included as well as the dates upon
which correspondence was sent and the topic discussed in each
letter; various bulletins issued by the Veteran’s Administration
are included.

4 – W (July – Dec., 1946) OPA rent control, Railroad Retirement Bill,

5 – W continued (Jan., 1945 – Feb., 1946) McCarran Bill concerning
political subversion, compulsory military training, Wagner-Murray-
Dingle Bill relating to Social Security, National Labor Relations Act,
OPA, GI Bill of Rights, labor unions, labor strikes.

6 – W continued (Feb. – June, 1946) Wagner-Ellender-Taft housing
bill, Un-American Activities Committee, compulsory military training,
sugar shortage, price controls, Missouri Valley Authority, OPA rent
control, U.S. loan to Britain, Wagner-Murray-Dingle Bill, labor strikes.

7 – War Production Board Sugar Usage (July – Sept., 1945); July Liquor
Holiday, protests concerning sugar being used for liquor instead of food.

8 – Western Union (March, 1945 – July, 1946) Rural Electrification

9 – Withers, George (July, 1946 – Dec., 1947) veteran insurance, veteran
H.R. 2031 – a bill to place on the retired list certain commissioned
officers of the Army during World War I, introduced on 2/18/47.
(2 copies)

10 – Y (April, 1946) proposed amendments to the Railroad Retirement

11 – Z (Nov., 1945 – June, 1946) Gwynne Bill; OPA amendments.

Box 11
80th Congress, General Correspondence, By County, 1947-1948
(Atchison – Nemaha)

1 – Atchison Co. (Jan. – July, 1947)

2 – Brown Co. (Jan. – July, 1947) REA, soil conservation, labor

3 – Clay Co. (Jan. – July, 1947) labor legislation, REA, Harlan Dam,
Milford Dam (includes a map of Clay Co. from the office of
the Clay Co. Engineer showing roads, towns, waterways, farms,
railroads, township divisions, and section divisions, undated).

4 – Clay Co. (June, 1948) peacetime conscription.

5 – Doniphan Co. (Jan. – July, 1947) GI loan, telephone strike.

6 – Jackson Co. (Feb. – Dec., 1947) GI Bill, Wage-Hour Law Bill,
problem of massive federal debt.

7 – Jefferson Co. (Jan. – June, 1947) Rural Electrification Administration.

8 – Jefferson Co. (June – July, 1948) miscellaneous political material.

9 – Leavenworth Co. (Feb. – July, 1947) labor legislation, REA, federal
barge line operation.

10 – Leavenworth Co. continued (Jan. – March, 1947) tax on telephone
service, labor unions, REA, War Assets Administration.
H.R. 1639 – a bill, introduced on 2/3/47, to amend the Employers’
Liability Act to limit venue in actions brought in United States
District Courts or in state courts under such act.

11 – Marshall Co. (Jan. – July, 1947) OPA, Wagner Labor Law, REA,
Tuttle Creek Dam, sugar rationing.

12 – Nemaha Co. (Jan. – Sept., 1947) REA, decontrol of sugar.

Box 12
80th Congress, General Correspondence, By County, 1947-1948
(Pottawatomie – Washington)

1 – Pottawatomie Co. (Jan. – April, 1947) Marketing and Research Bill, tax reductions.

2 – Riley Co. (Jan. – July, 1947) occupational training for veterans, REA,
Missouri Valley Authority, Tuttle Creek Dam, GI Bill of Rights, Labor
Bill, requests for government publications concerning agriculture,
universal military training program.

3 – Shawnee Co. (Jan. – March, 1947) OPA rent control, requests
for government publications, sugar shortage, labor unrest.

4 – Shawnee Co. continued (Feb. – May, 1947) reduce national debt,
rent control, U.S. aid to Greece, Soldier Creek Dam, Tuttle Creek Dam,
flood control (includes map of Topeka and vicinity, highlighting
waterways in the area).

5 – Shawnee Co. continued (May – June, 1947) Agriculture Appropriation
B ill, compulsory military training, rent control.

6 – Shawnee Co. continued (April – Aug., 1947) REA; requests for
government literature concerning communism, also farming pamphlets;
universal military training; veteran pension problems.

7 – Shawnee Co. (June – July, 1948) draft of advertisement for Cole’s
1948 re-election campaign, housing legislation, OPA, increased salary
for postal workers, Railroad Retirement Act, Taft-Hartley Act
concerning unfair labor practice.

8 – Washington Co. (Jan. – July, 1947) federal aid for Washington Co.
hospital, requests for new local mail route, Marshall Plan.

9 – Washington Co. (June – Aug., 1948) miscellaneous materials
relating to 1948 primary election.

Box 13
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1947 (Crosser Amendment –
Tuttle Creek Dam) and Legislative Correspondence, Alphabetical,
1947, (Barden bill – Newspapers)

General Correspondence, 1947

1 – Crosser Amendment (March – July, 1947) constituents’ opinions
concerning this issue.

2 – Greek loan (March – June, 1947) constituents’ opinions concerning
this issue.

3 – Military training (Jan. – July, 1947) letters and cards from
constituents urging Cole to support universal military training bill.

4 – Miscellaneous (Jan. – July, 1947) Rural Electric Cooperatives,
increases for annuities, courtesy mail.

5 – Miscellaneous continued (April – Aug., 1947) export controls.

6 – Postal Bill (March – July, 1947) the “Langer-Chavez Bill”
(H.R. 3872) provided for an increase in annuities for retired
postal employees.

7 – Taft-Hartley Labor Control Bill (March – July, 1947) concerned
the right of foremen to organize, constituents' opinions concerning
this issue.

8 – Tuttle Creek Dam (June – July, 1947) constituent letters opposing
Tuttle Creek Dam.

Legislative Correspondence, Alphabetical, 1947

9 – Barden Bill (July – Oct., 1949) constituent opposition to Barden
B ill which dealt with federal aid to elementary and secondary schools.

10 – News Releases (Jan. – July, 1947) proposal to reduce income
taxes; sugar problem; a list of news releases that Cole sent to news-
papers in his district, Jan. – July, 1947.

11 – Newspapers, a list of newspapers to which Cole subscribed.

Box 14
80th Congress, Legislative Correspondence, 1947, Chronological,
(Jan. – May 1)

1 – (Jan., 1947) sugar shortage, labor problems, reduction of
income taxes, federal spending/balanced federal budget, rent
control, excise taxes, OPA.

2 – (Feb., 1947) government efficiency, labor legislation, reduce
taxes/reduce government expenses, OPA rent control, Gwynne
Bill, price control/sugar rationing, increase retirement benefits
for postal employees, federal income tax law with regard to
states that recognize community property between husband and
wife, registration of firearms.

3 – (March, 1947) labor unions, Wagner Act, taxes on cooperative
businesses, rent control, peacetime compulsory military training,
reduction of federal budget, firearm registration, control on sugar,
Jennings Bill to restrict venue in suits arising under the Federal
Employers’ Liability Act, lowering federal taxes/streamlining
federal bureaucracy, labor legislation, Rogers Bill concerning
veterans’ benefits.

4 – (March, 1947) continued, income tax reduction, attempts to
do away with New Deal legislation, rent control, Rogers Bill,
labor legislation, Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill.

5 – (April, 1947) Communism, rent control, increase in postal
rates, federal income taxes/national debt, labor unrest, reduce
President Truman’s budget, vivisection scam, pensions for
postal employees.

6 – (May, 1947) rent control, Taft-Ellender-Wagner Bill,
Jennings Bill, taxation of cooperative businesses, tax bill,
labor bill, appropriations for veterans.

Box 15
80th Congress, Legislative Correspondence, (May 2 – July, 1947)

1 – (May, 1947) continued, outlaw advertisements promoting the
sale of intoxicating liquor, taxation of cooperatives, rent control,
reduction of government expenditures, labor bill, Wagner-
Ellender-Taft Bill, increase in postal rates, roads on 1st District
Indian reservation, pensions for Spanish-American War veterans,
portal to portal bill, Federal Aid to Education Bill, reduction of
income tax, labor bill, REA loan fund.

2 – (June, 1947) concern over congressional appropriation for
agriculture, Tuttle Creek Dam, Public Housing Administration
and housing construction controls, rent control, labor bill, REA
appropriations, tax laws with respect to cooperatives, national
park south of Marysville, prohibit advertising of alcoholic
beverages, increase postal rates on books, additional benefits
for Spanish-American War veterans.

3 – (June, 1947) continued, reduction in government subsidies
by Agriculture Dept., tax bill, labor bill, agriculture appropriations
bill, proposed increase in postal rates, increased pensions for
Spanish-American War veterans.
H.R. 1639 – a bill introduced by Congressman Jennings
on 2/3/47 to amend the Employers’ Liability Act so as to
limit venue in actions brought in United States District
Courts or in state courts under such Act.

4 – (July, 1947) increase pensions for Spanish-American War veterans,
strengthen the United Nations, appropriations for Agriculture
Dept., flood control, Stratton Bill, rent control, tax bill,
Harlan Dam, flood control in Missouri River Basin, proposed
increase in postal rates, compulsory military training, Taft-
Hartley Bill.

Box 16
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (A-C)
1 – A (Sept., 1947 – Dec., 1948) rent control, universal military
training, reduce government expenditures, federal aid to education,
tax reduction, tax on oleomargarine, postal workers’ pay raise bill,
Taft-Ellender-Wagner bill, pay raise for federal employees, numerous
requests for farm bulletins, REA.

2 – Abbey, Leigh, Macksville (Jan. – March, 1948) military
transfer request, political gossip.

3 – Allen, Charles, Wichita (Sept. – Oct., 1948).

4 – B (Aug., 1947 – Dec., 1948) housing problem, road repair on
Indian reservation in Jackson Co., Un-American Activities Committee,
compulsory military training, federal aid to schools, increased salary
for postal employees, Taft-Hartley Act, tax on oleomargarine, European
Recovery Program, increased salaries of federal employees, soil

5 – B continued (May – Dec., 1948) slum clearance, low-rent public housing, universal military training, tax on oleomargarine, pay raise for federal employees, flood control (Elwood Bottoms), Taft-Ellender-Wagner Bill, rent control, federal aid for education, threat posed by communism, reduce federal spending.

6 – Brown, Joe S. (Aug., 1947 – Dec., 1948) Brown was one of Cole’s
secretaries and the folder relates to his duties in this capacity.

7 – C – (Aug., 1947 – April, 1948) proposed dikes on the Missouri River,
Un-American Activities Committee, universal military training, federal
aid program for education, rent control, flood control: Neosho River,
tax on oleomargarine, increased salaries for government employees,
Perry Reservoir, increased salaries for postal employees.

8 – C (April – Dec., 1948) Cole’s primary campaign (nominating petitions), increased wages for federal employees, federal aid to education, pay raises for postal employees, tax on oleomargarine, Taft-Ellender-Wagner housing bill, a discharge petition, extensions of social security legislation, reduction of federal debt.

Box 17
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (C – G)

1 – C (Dec., 1947 – Dec., 1948) personal claims against federal
government, visa request.

2 – D (Aug., 1947 – April, 1948) reduce national debt, Tuttle Creek
Dam, compulsory military training, Taft-Hartley Bill, federal aid for
education, reduce federal budget, Tuttle Creek Dam and the Blue
Valley, increase pay for postal workers, threat posed by communism,
tax on oleomargarine, higher salaries for government workers, flood
control, nominating petitions, Un-American Activities Committee.
Activities Committee includes an undated county map of Kansas that
reveals the number of farmers in each 1st District county that had
received loans from the Farmers Home Administration (U.S. Dept.
of Agriculture).

3 – D (April – Dec., 1948) tax on oleomargarine, Taft-Ellender-
Wagner Bill; Cole’s nominating papers, Marshall Plan, more pay
for government employees, Mundt Bill, threat of communism,
salary raise for postal employees, soil conservation and flood

4 – E (Aug., 1947 – Dec., 1948) universal military training,
Marshall Plan, increased pay for postal workers, increased pay
for federal employees, circulation of Cole’s nominating papers,
federal aid to education, reduce the federal budget, political
gossip concerning 1st District situation and the race for the
presidency, Taft-Ellender-Wagner housing bill, Committee on
Un-American Activities.

5 – F (Aug., 1947 – Dec., 1948) Taft-Hartley Labor Law; Marshall
Plan; National School Lunch Act; increase pay for federal employees; increase pay for postal employees; atomic energy; tax on oleomargarine; Milford Dam; Cole’s nominating papers; universal military training; agricultural appropriation bill; Tuttle Creek Dam; Taft-Ellender-Wagner Bill; report on reservoir possibilities in Kansas River area accompanied by map of Kansas River and its tributaries that points out reservoir projects recommended, authorized, or under construction (dated 10/20/47).

6 – G (Aug., 1947 – Dec., 1948) suspicions concerning the Russians,
Un-American Activities Committee, rent control, reduce national debt,
adjustments in Social Security Law, tax on oleomargarine, Federal
Housing Administration, universal military training, federal aid to
schools, circulation of Cole’s nominating papers, pay raise for federal
employees, Taft-Ellender-Wagner Bill; selective service bill.

Box 18
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (Glenn – J)

1 – Glenn, John, Leavenworth (Jan. – Dec., 1947).

2 – Goodjohn, Russell, Leavenworth (Jan. – Feb.,

3 – Gould, Ira A. (Aug., 1947)

4 – Greenwood, George W. (Aug. – Sept., 1947)

5 – H (Nov., 1947 – Dec., 1948) flood control, universal military
training, Cole’s nominating papers, a discharge petition, pay raise
for federal employees, tax on oleomargarine, Taft-Ellender-Wagner
B ill, larger pensions for retired railroad workers, federal aid to
education bill, Tuttle Creek Dam, Bulwinkle Bill, rent control.

6 – H continued (Jan., - March, 1948) Hatch Act dealing with
various forms of political corruption, Un-American Activities
Committee, universal military training, Marshall Plan, price
control, Taft-Hartley Bill, housing problem, amendment to tax

7 – H continued (Jan., - March, 1948) pay raise for postal employees,
meat rationing, threat of communism, Marshall Plan, compulsory
military training, tax on oleomargarine, taxation and cooperative business,
rent control, Taft-Hartley Law, higher salaries for government employees.

8 – H continued (March – Sept., 1948) higher salaries for government
employees, Cole’s nominating papers, universal military training, tax
on oleomargarine, Tuttle Creek Dam, Taft-Hartley Bill, Marshall Plan.

9 – Haag, William A.

10 – I (Oct., 1947 – Dec., 1948) Cole’s nominating papers, Tuttle
Creek Dam.

11 – J (April, 1947 – Dec., 1948) compulsory military training,
increase in postal workers’ salaries, threat of communism, excessive
government spending/large public debt, tax on oleomargarine, increased
benefits for retired railroad workers, a discharge petition, larger salaries
for federal employees, Taft-Ellender-Wagner housing bill.

Box 19
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (K – P)

1 – K (Aug., 1947 – March, 1948) taxation and cooperative businesses;
universal military training; price control and rationing; soil conservation;
reduce the federal debt; higher salaries for postal employees; flood
control and Missouri River Basin; laws relating to oleomargarine;
reduction of government spending, public debt, and taxes.

2 – K continued ( March – Dec., 1948) repeal tax on oleomargarine,
increase salaries of government employees, federal aid to education,
Cole’s nomination papers, universal military training, Hawaiian
statehood, Taft-Ellender-Wagner Bill, soil conservation vs.
large dams, increase benefits of retired railroad workers, housing
shortage/housing bill, Selective Service Law, levees in Elwood
Bottoms area of Doniphan Co.

3 – L (Oct., 1947 – Dec., 1948) Un-American Activities Committee;
threat of communism; repeal tax on oleomargarine; Taft-Hartley
labor bill; rent control; Delaware River Basin and Perry Reservoir;
increase salaries of postal employees; Tuttle Creek Dam; soil
conservation; Selective Service/universal military training; a dis-
charge petition; Cole’s nominating papers; increased pay for
federal employees; flood control, Missouri River Basin (Mission

4 – M (Sept., 1947 – Dec., 1948) price controls and rationing,
excessive government spending, universal military training, tax on
oleomargarine, Ozawkie-Valley Dam, Cole’s nomination papers,
Marshall Plan, federal aid to education, increased benefits for retired
railroad workers, method of electing U.S. president, Tuttle Creek

5 – M continued (May – Oct., 1948) oleomargarine tax bill,
Tuttle Creek Dam, pay raise for federal employees.

6 – Majors, Hurst, Jr. (Feb., 1947 – Nov., 1948) the national debt.

7 – N (Sept., 1947 – Sept., 1948) peacetime military conscription,
Tuttle Creek Dam and Milford Dam, oleomargarine tax, higher
salaries for federal employees, federal aid for education.

8 – P (Dec., 1947 – Sept., 1948) higher salary for federal employees,
universal military training, draft bill, higher salaries for postal

Box 20
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948, (Pickerell – W)

1 – Pickerell, Dwight, Linn (April, 1947 – Feb., 1948).

2 – Q (May – Dec., 1948) universal military training: includes undated
map of Clay Co., showing roads, towns, farms, sections, and townships.

3 – R (Aug., 1947 – Nov., 1948) flood control.

4 – Reeder and Reeder (April – May, 1948) proposed Missouri River
levee in Burr Oak Bottoms area, Doniphan Co.: includes a map
of the section of Troy that would be affected by the proposed
levee (2 copies).

5 – S (Aug., 1947 – April, 1948)

6 – S (May – Nov., 1948) Tuttle Creek Dam and flood protection
for Topeka.

7 – Shipman, Willard E. (Dec., 1947 – Sept., 1948)

8 – Siever, Travis, Holton, KS (March – November, 1948).

9 – T (Aug., 1947 – Oct., 1948)

10 – Taylor, H. A., Topeka (Oct., 1947 – Feb., 1948)
“Official Line Map of the City of Topeka, Kansas,” by W. E.
Baldry, City Engineer, dated 7/1/47.

11 – Terry, Paul (ca. June, 1945 – July, 1948).

12 – V (March – Dec., 1948) Tuttle Creek Dam.

13 – W (Aug., 1947 – April, 1948).

14 – W Continued (April – Dec., 1948).

Box 21
80th Congress, General Correspondence, 1948 (W continued – Z)
and Departmental Correspondence, 1947-1948, (Agriculture –
General Correspondence)

General Correspondence, 1948

1 – W Continued (Sept., 1947 – Nov., 1948) includes Public Law
748-Chapter 612 (80th Congress, 2nd Session): An Act to Amend
Veterans Regulation Numbered 1 (a), Parts I and II, as Amended,
to Establish a Presumption of Service Connection for Chronic and
Tropical Diseases (dated 6/24/48).

2 – Van Winkle, Richard (May – Dec., 1948) This folder marks
the beginning of extensive correspondence concerning the case of a
young Kansan killed in World War II. For several years after the
war his parents worked to make sure that the Army rank which had
erroneously been denied him was awarded to their son posthumously.

3 – Van Winkle, Richard continued (1944-48).

4 – Van Winkle, Richard continued (ca. 1946-48) H.J. Res. 96
“Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to Issue Posthumously
to the Late Roy Stanley Geiger, Lieutenant General, United States
Marine Corps, and for Other Purposes.” (dated 6/4/47)

5 – Withers, George (Aug., 1947 – Dec., 1948).

6 – Y (Dec., 1947 – Oct., 1948).

7 – Z (Sept., 1947 – Nov., 1948).

Departmental Correspondence, 1947-1948

8 – Agriculture (Aug., 1947 – Nov., 1948).

9 – Agriculture: Problems and legislation (Aug., 1947 – March, 1948).

10 – Agriculture yearbooks, 1942, 1943-47, 1948 (Sept., 1948).

11 – Alcohol plant (Sept., 1947).

12 – Annapolis (June, 1947 – Dec., 1948) concerns U. S. Naval
Academy applications.

13 – Appointments (Sept., 1947 – Oct., 1948) proposed dikes on the
Missouri River.

14 – Atomic Energy Commission (Nov., 1947 – March, 1948).

15 – General (Sept., 1947 – Nov., 1948).

Box 22
80th Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1947-1948, (British
Loan – War Dept.)

1 – British loan (July, 1946).

2 – Bureau of Employees Compensation (June - Dec., 1948).

3 – Bureau of Reclamation (Aug., 1947 – March, 1948).

4 – Campaign expenditures (Oct. – Dec., 1948).

5 – Civil Aeronautics Board (Dec., 1947 – Nov., 1948).

6 – Commerce Dept. (Dec., 1946 – Nov., 1948).

7 – Federal Bureau of Investigation (Aug., 1947).

8 – Federal Housing Administration (April – Nov., 1948).

9 – Federal Land Bank (March, 1948).

10 – Federal Reserve Board (Dec., 1947 – Dec., 1948).

11 – Federal Works Agency (Aug. – Sept., 1947).

12 – Governor of Kansas (Aug., 1947).

13 – H.R. 3192 (March – Nov., 1947) reduction of public debt.

14 – H.R. 3600 (May, 1947 – Feb., 1948) H.R. 3600 – a bill
introduced by Cole on 5/23/47 to reimburse certain employees
of the Bureau of Prisons of the Dept. of Justice and for other

15 – H.R. 3605 – Seagraves (Jan., 1948) H.R. 3605 – a bill introduced
by Cole on 5/23/47 for the relief of Richard W. Seagraves. S. 1167 –
a bill introduced by Sen. Capper on 4/25/47 for the relief of Richard
W. Seagraves.

16 – Housing expenditure (Aug., 1947 – Sept., 1948) includes several
individual requests that the Federal Housing Expedition Agency approve
the construction of various types of buildings in towns around the 1st

17 – Indian Affairs (March, 1931 – May, 1945).

18 – Indian Affairs, continued (Sept., 1946 – Nov., 1948).

19 – Internal Revenue (Jan. – Oct., 1948).

20 – Interstate Commerce Commission (Dec., 1947).

21 – Military affairs (ca. 1945-46).

22 – Military conscription (Aug., 1947 – ca. March, 1948) constituent
letters and petitions regarding this matter.

23 – Neosho Flood Control Project (Feb., 1948).

24 – Patronage (Feb. – June, 1948).

25 – Pay raise bill for government employees (May – June, 1948)
letters and cards from constituents urging Cole to support this measure.

26 – Political file (June – July, 1946).

27 – Post Office Dept. (Sept., 1947 – Dec., 1948).

28 – Public Buildings Administration (March, 1948).

29 – Public Roads (Jan., 1948).

30 – Rural Electrification Administration (Sept., 1947 – Nov., 1948)
numerous individual complaints about not receiving service.

31 – Soil Conservation (Dec., 1947 – Dec., 1948).

32 – State Dept. (Aug., 1947 – Dec., 1948) individual cases dealing
mostly with attempts to get relatives into the U.S. from Germany.

33 – Vandahl, H.R. 2916 (Dec., 1947 – Sept., 1948) H.R. 2916 –
a bill introduced by Cole on 4/1/47 for the relief of Walter Vandahl
and Esther S. Vandahl, Allabrala Adams, L. Rice, Mrs. Gladys
Webb, and James E. Webb (3 copies).

34 – Veterans' Hospital, Topeka (Sept., 1947 – June, 1948).

35 – Veterans’ Administration (July, 1947 – July, 1948) flood control,
pension claims.

36 – Veterans’ housing (Nov., 1947 – May, 1948).

37 – War Dept. (July, 1947 – Dec., 1948) flood control; Vermillion
River and flood control; proposed Missouri River levee in Burr Oak
Bottoms, Doniphan Co.; Kansas River and flood control; Tuttle Creek

Box 23
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1949 (A – Homes for America)

1 – A (Feb. – Aug., 1949) Taft-Hartley Act, rent control, federal aid
to schools.

2 – Anderson, Frederick S., Civil Service (Sept. – Oct., 1949).

3 – Anderson, William Dale (Aug., - Oct., 1949).

4 – Armstrong, Thomas B. and Sadie S. (Oct., 1948 – Aug., 1949).

5 – B (Jan. – Nov., 1949) public housing, federal aid to education bill.

6 – Bergen, Henry, Topeka (May, 1948 – March, 1949)
an immigration case.

7 – Brown, C. C. (April – May, 1949).

8 – Brown, G. I. (Jan. – Dec., 1949) veteran’s claim.

9 – C (Feb. – Nov., 1949) Missouri River Basin.

10 – D (May – Dec., 1949).

11 – Edgeton, Charles E. (Dec., 1948 – Feb., 1949).

12 – Erb, Dorothy (Dec., 1948 – May, 1949).

13 – F (Jan. – Oct., 1949).

14 – Ferment, Frank, P., Leavenworth (Jan., 1948 – Nov., 1949)
H.R. 1744 – a bill introduced by Cole on 1/24/49 to reimburse certain
employees of the Bureau of Prisons of the Dept. of Justice, and for
other purposes.

15 – Flood control legislation (Jan. – June, 1950) Tuttle Creek Dam,
Perry Dam, Kansas River Project, Missouri Valley Authority, flood
control, Verdigris River Flood Association, soil conservation.

16 – G (Jan. – Dec., 1949) Taft-Hartley Labor Law, minimum wage law,
public housing bill.

17 – H (Feb. – Aug., 1949) rent control, veterans’ pensions, bill providing
for an increase in postal rates.

18 – Homes for America (Aug., 1948 – Sept., 1949).

Box 24
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1949 (I – Ray)

1 – I (Feb. – July, 1949) flood control/soil conservation, rent control,
public housing, federal aid to education.

2 – J (Jan., - Aug., 1949) flood control, Missouri River.

3 – K (Feb., - Sept., 1949) National Mental Health Act, Presidential
Reorganization Plan #2.

4 – Kim, Sae Sun (ca. 1940-49) H.R. 4540 – on 11/20/47 Cole introduced
the following bill in the House: “A Bill for the Relief of Sae Sun Kim.”
H.R. 3566 – on 5/21/47 Congressman Fellows introduced the following
bill: “A Bill to Amend Subsection (c) of Section 19 of the Immigration
Act of 1917, as Amended, and for Other Purposes.”

5 – L (April – June, 1949).

6 – Lustron continued (Nov., 1948 – Oct., 1949) S. J. Res. 134 –
“Joint Resolution to Amend the National Housing Act, as Amended,
and for Other Purposes.” (10/6/49) H. Res. 393 – 10/11/49 Cole
resolution to the House of Representatives which called for the
creation of a seven member committee to investigate the RFC and
the Lustron Corp. with respect to transactions between the two

7 – Lustron (Jan., 1949 – Sept., 1950) folder contains questions posed
by Cole that summarize the scandal potential and basic problems
associated with the Lustron situation, includes correspondence from
all over the country congratulating Cole on his investigation of Lustron,
correspondence between Cole and RFC also included as well as a
statement by Cole which explains the Lustron case.

8 – Lustron continued (Oct., 1949 – Aug., 1950) “The Lustron Loans”
(Extension of remarks of Albert Cole in the House of Representatives,
Oct. 19, 1949) (5 copies).

9 – Cole’s correspondence with Reconstruction Finance Corporation
concerning Lustron Corporation (Jan., 1950 – Feb., 1952).

10 – M (Jan. – Sept., 1949) pay raise for postal employees, minimum
wage law.

11 – Miller, Wilton D. and Bobbie Jean (ca. Jan. – July, 1949) Public
Law No. 866 (76th Congress, H.R. 8930) – “An Act to Amend Section
202 (3) World War Veterans’ Act, 1924, . . . .” (3 copies).

12 – Miscellaneous (Oct. – Dec., 1949) threat of communism, reduce
government spending and taxes, oleomargarine tax, federal aid to
education, U.S. attitude toward new Communist government in China.

13 – O (Jan. – Oct., 1949).

Box 25
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1949, (Miscellaneous – XYZ).

1 – P (April – Dec., 1949)

2 – Potawatomi Indian Tribe (March – April, 1947) Meeting of the
Business Advisory Committee of the Prairie Band, Potawatomi Indians,
held at Mayetta on March 15, 1947, convened at 2:40 p.m.
(78 pp.)

3 – R (Feb. – Sept., 1949) public housing.

4 – Ray, Jesse M. (May, 1948 – Aug., 1949).

5 – S (Jan. – Aug., 1949) rent control bill, agricultural levees on
Missouri River, threat of communism, federal aid to education bill.

6 – S Continued (Aug. – Dec., 1949).

7 – Sanders-McMichael Funeral Home (May – Sept., 1949).

8 – T (Feb. – Oct., 1949) oleomargarine tax, threat of communism.

9 – Van Winkle (Oct. – Dec., 1949).

10 – Viking Manufacturing Co. (June – Aug., 1949).

11 – W (Jan. – Oct., 1949) veterans’ pension bill, dams on the Marais
des Cygnes River: soil conservation.

12 – Wilson, Ray (June, 1948 – March, 1949).

13 – Withers, George (ca. Jan. – Sept., 1949) minimum wage bill.

14 – XYZ (Oct., 1948 – Dec., 1949) federal aid to education, national
mental health bill, higher pay for postal employees.

Box 26
81st Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1949 (Agriculture –
Literature Requests).

1 – Agriculture (Feb. – Oct., 1949) Taft-Hartley labor bill, Wood Bill,
problems with recent wheat allotments, numerous requests for farm
bulletins, development of Missouri River Basin.

2 – Agriculture: Wheat Allotment (Oct., 1949).

3 – Agriculture yearbooks (April – Aug., 1949) Brannan farm plan,
requests for farm pamphlets.

4 – Agriculture yearbooks continued (Aug. – Oct., 1949) requests for
farm pamphlets.

5 – Annapolis (Jan. – Nov., 1949) U.S. Naval Academy applications.

6 – Appointments (Jan. – Nov., 1949) numerous social invitations,
flood control concerning the Missouri River Basin.

7 – Archives (Nov., 1949).

8 – Army, Dept. of (Jan. – Dec., 1949) Pick-Sloan Flood Control
P lan, Forbes Air Force Base placed on inactive status.

9 – Banking and Currency (Oct. – Nov., 1949) during the period
Nov. 16, 1949 – Dec., 21, 1949, Cole visited seven European
countries as part of a subcommittee of the Banking and Currency
Committee sent for the purpose of studying cooperative housing
abroad. This contains details about Cole’s preparations and travel
plans. A copy of Cole’s itinerary is included.

10 – Bureau of Employees’ Compensation (Jan. – June, 1949)
individual cases.

11 – Bureau of Land Management, Interior Dept. (Jan. – March,

12 – Census (May, 1949).

13 – Civil Service Commission (Jan. – Nov., 1949) requests to
repeal margarine tax law; Civil Service employees with complaints,
usually about salaries.

14 – Commerce, Dept. of (April – May, 1949).

15 – Commodity Credit Corporation (May – Oct., 1949).

16 – Comptroller General (Feb., 1949).

17 – Congressional directory (Jan. – April, 1949).

18 – Congressional Record List (Jan., 1948 – Oct., 1949).

19 – Displaced persons (Oct., 1948 – Jan., 1950) Public Law
774 (80th Congress, S. 2242) Displaced Persons Act of 1948.

20 – Federal Security Agency (Feb. – Dec., 1949).

21 – General Accounting Office (Jan. – May, 1949).

22 – Hoover Commission (Oct. – Nov., 1949).

23 – Interior Dept. (ca. 1948 – Oct., 1949) Indian affairs,
“Official Organization Handbook, United States Department
of the Interior” (1948).

24 – Justice Dept. (Oct., 1949).

25 – Labor Dept. (Sept., 1949).

26 – Literature requests (Nov. – Dec., 1949).

27 – Miscellaneous (Jan. – Dec., 1949) public housing,
dams on the Marais des Cygnes River, threat of communism.

Box 27
81st Congress, Departmental Correspondence 1949 (Civil
Service Pay Raise – Taft-Hartley Law)

1 – Civil Service pay raise: Senate Bills 558-59 (March-April,
1949) correspondents are urging Cole to support these bills.

2 – Cobb Estates claim – H.R. 993 (May, 1946 – June, 1949)
H.R. 6561 – a bill introduced by Cole on 5/14/46 for
the relief of the estate of Norman C. Cobb, Naomi
R. Cobb and Garland L. Cobb.
H.R. 993 – a bill introduced by Cole on 1/14/47 for
the relief of the estate of Norman C. Cobb, Naomi
R. Cobb and Garland L. Cobb. (3 copies)

3 – Hoover report (June, 1947 – Oct., 1949).

4 – House bills (Jan., 1947 – July, 1948).
H.R. 1872: a bill introduced by Cole on 2/12/47 to amend
“An Act to Provide Compensation for Employees of the United
States Suffering Injuries While in the Performance of Their
Duties, and for Other Purposes,” approved 9/7/16, as amended
(2 copies).
H.R. 1971 – a bill introduced by Cole on 2/17/47 to amend
Section 12 of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, to remove
the discrimination between regular and reserve components.
H.R. 2916 – a bill introduced by Cole on 4/1/47 for the relief
of Walter Vandahl and Esther S. Vandahl, Allabrada Adams,
Lucile L. Rice, Mrs. Gladys Webb, and James E. Webb.
H.R. 3134 – a bill introduced by Cole on 4/22/47 to amend
the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended.
H.R. 3192 - a bill introduced by Cole on 4/24/47 to establish
a sinking fund for the payment of government obligations.
H.R. 3317 – a bill introduced by Cole on 5/5/47 to amend
the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended.
H.R. 3605 – a bill introduced by Cole on 5/23/47 for the
relief of Richard W. Seagraves.
H.R. 3600 – a bill introduced by Cole on 5/23/47 to reimburse
certain employees of the Bureau of Prisons of the Dept. of
Justice, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4550 – a bill introduced by Cole on 11/20/47 for the
relief of Sae Sun Kim.
H.R. 6167 – a bill introduced by Cole on 4/7/48 to allow a
deduction, for income-tax purposes, of expenditures made
incident to the prevention of erosion of agricultural land.
H.R. 6307 – a bill introduced by Cole on 4/21/48 for the
relief of Mrs. E. M. Westenhaver.
H.R. 7064 – a bill introduced by Cole on 7/29/48 to provide
for permanent pay increases for government employees
designated as unclassified or ungraded.

5 – H.R. 2146 – Railroad Retirement Act (June, 1949).

6 – News releases (Jan. – May, 1949) government spending,
growing federal debt, flood control, Tuttle Creek Dam,
Milford Dam, threat of communism, rent control bill.

7 – Oleomargarine Bill (Feb. – April, 1949).

8 – Political letters (July – Aug., 1949).

9 – Politics (June, 1948 – May, 1949) includes pamphlet
entitled “The 1948 Platform of the Republican Party.”

10 – Post Office Dept. (Jan. – Nov., 1949).

11 – Post Office: Highway U.S. 36 (Sept. – Oct., 1949).

12 – Reconstruction Finance Corporation (June-November,

13 – Rent Control (Feb., 1949).

14 – Rural Electrification Administration (July, 1948 – Nov., 1949).

15 – Rural routes (Jan. – Oct., 1949).

16 – Social Security (March – Oct., 1949) “National Security
Act Amendments of 1949;” dated 5/12/49.

17 – Soil Conservation (Jan. – April, 1949) concerns Cole’s
bill granting tax deductions for certain soil conservation

18 – State Dept. (Jan. – Nov., 1949).

19 – Taft-Hartley Law (March – June, 1949).

Box 28
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1950 (B—Stauffer-

1 – B (Oct., 1949 – April, 1959) federal aid to education bill.

2 – J (Jan. – June, 1950) excessive spending by federal
government, Hoover Commission (a bipartisan commission
that studied the executive branch of the government and
made recommendations designed to improve its economy
and efficiency), U.S. foreign policy.

3 – Jesse, R. D., Leavenworth (April – May, 1950).

4 – K (April – July, 1950) political gossip, Social Security bill.

5 – Kohake, Frank-Re: Heinrich Kohake and Bernhard Fangmann
(Aug. – Sept., 1950).

6 – L (Jan. – Dec., 1950) foreign problems.
Public Law 731 (H.R. 8112) – “An Act to Provide for the Transfer
to the States of the Replicas of the State Seals Removed from the
Chamber of the House of Representatives of the United States.”
(dated 8/25/50)

7 – M (Feb. – Dec., 1950) rent control, threat of communism,
reduce government expenditures, Korean crisis, universal military
training bill, price control, Perry Dam, spy scandal in State Dept.

8 – Miscellaneous correspondence (Nov., 1950).

9 – N (Jan. – Dec., 1950) American recognition of Communist
China, statehood for Hawaii, federal aid to education bill, proposed
extension of Selective Service, oleomargarine tax bill, Korean
crisis, reduce government spending, complaints about high taxes,
Taft-Hartley Law, universal military training, atom bomb,
international turmoil.

10 – P (Dec., 1949 – Dec., 1950) public housing projects, Forbes
Air Force Base, Korean War, Communist China.

11 – Patterson, Ralph (June – Nov., 1950) political gossip
(Patterson was one of Cole’s secretaries).

12 – Paul (ca. Sept. – Nov., 1950) soil conservation.

13 – R (March – Dec., 1950) Korean War, Forbes Air Force
Base, rent control laws, scandal in State Dept.

14 – Snowden, Robert P., re: Dukurs, Baehr (Sept., 1959 –
March, 1950).

15 – Stauffer-KSOK (March – Dec., 1950) KSOK was
Stauffer’s Arkansas City radio station.

Box 29
81st Congress, General Correspondence, 1950 (S-XYZ)

1 – S (March – Dec., 1950) Taft-Hartley Labor Law,
continuation of farm subsidies, present farm program vs.
Brannan Plan, reduce government expenditures, Korean
crisis, controversy surrounding two Chinese governments,
federal aid to education, extension of Social Security.

2 – T (Jan. – Dec., 1950).

3 – V (Jan. – Dec., 1950) reduce government spending,
tax on oleomargarine, Hoover reorganization plan, Brannan
Plan, political gossip from 1st District, Korean crisis, flood
control on the Delaware River.
H.J. Res. 27 – “Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment
to the Constitution of the United States Relating to the
Terms of Office of the President.” (dated Feb. – March, 1947).

4 – Van Winkle, W. A. (May, 1949 – Feb., 1950) housing problem,
case of Richard Van Winkle
S. 129 – declared federal rent control to be unnecessary in
Kansas and provided that the governing body of any Kansas
municipality could reestablish rent control if it was

5 – Van Winkle, W. A., continued (March – Aug., 1950).

6 – Van Winkle, W. A., continued (Aug., 1950 – Jan., 1952)
rent control.

7 – W (Dec., 1949 – March, 1950) high cost of government/large
national debt, farm subsidy program, tax on oleomargarine, reduce
taxes/reduce government spending, federal aid to education,
political activity on Cole’s behalf in the 1st District, minimum wage
law, rent control, taxation of cooperatives, Hoover reorganization
plan (particularly as it pertained to the Veterans Administration),
threat of communism.

8 – W continued (March – July, 1950) Taft-Hartley Act, deficit
spending on the part of the federal government, reduce government
spending, political activity on Cole’s behalf in 1st District.

9 – W continued (July – Dec., 1950) Cole’s assessment of his 1950
primary opposition and his campaign, Korean War, threat of
communism, Cole’s position concerning U. S. involvement in
Korea documented in letter dated 8/21/50, universal military
training, world turmoil, requests for extensions of mail routes,
excess profits tax.

10 – X-Y-Z (Jan. – Nov., 1950) Social Security amendments
recently passed by Congress.

Box 30
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1951 (A-Chamber of

1 – A (Feb., 1950 – Aug., 1951) rent control, pay raise for postal
employees, communism, flood control on Missouri River, price
controls, legislation relating to retirement of railway workers.

2 – A continued (Aug. – Dec., 1951) Tuttle Creek Dam, flood
control, amendment to Railroad Retirement Act, increased
salaries for postal workers, problems of Korean War soldiers
and their families, rent control, Hoover Commission, reduce
government spending/reduce taxes, increase salaries of federal

3 – Arn, Governor Edward (Mar. – Aug., 1951) boxcar shortage,
relief for areas devastated by flooding, flood control.

4 – B (Jan. – Aug., 1951) Korean War, price controls, threat of
communism, inflation, reduce government spending, pay raise
for postal employees, rent control, universal military training,
issue of drafting eighteen year olds, emergency food relief for
India, defense housing legislation, pay raise for government
employees, flood control, Defense Production Act, big dams
vs. watersheds, soil conservation, Tuttle Creek Dam, Pick-
Sloan Plan of flood prevention.

5 – B continued (Jan., 1950 – June, 1951)..

6 – B continued (June – Dec., 1951) flood control: Missouri River;
flood relief; flood prevention, Delaware River Valley.

7 – Brown, Norman (Nov., 1950 – Oct., 1951).

8 – C (Dec., 1950 – Dec., 1951) Federal Housing Administration,
flood relief, Tuttle Creek Dam, flood control.

9 – Chamber of Commerce, Atchison (Dec., 1950 – July, 1951).

Box 31
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1951 (D-O)

1 – D (June – Dec., 1951) Defense Production Act, inflation, soil
conservation vs. large reservoirs, price and wage controls, universal
military training bill, flood control.

2 – Donelan, Paul (Oct. – Dec., 1951) rent control.

3 – E (Aug., 1950 – Oct., 1951) educational benefits for Korean War

4 – G (Sept., 1950 – Dec., 1951) price support program, excessive
government spending, inflation, Tuttle Creek Dam, flooding problems,
flood control, flood relief, growing problem of drug addiction.

5 – H (Jan. – Dec., 1951) price controls, new loan for Lustron, high
taxes, deficit spending, Tuttle Creek Dam, rent control, flood control,
Flood Control Council.

6 – Hill, Kenneth, by Sydney Janes (Nov., 1950 – April, 1951).

7 – I (Feb. – Dec., 1951) tax free profits, wage dispute between rail-
roads and operating employees, Tuttle Creek Dam.

8 – J (May, 1950 – July, 1951) price control, Defense Production
Act, flood control, Tuttle Creek Dam.

9 – K (Jan. – Nov., 1951) Tuttle Creek Dam-flood prevention, Korean

10 – L (Feb. – Dec., 1951) State Dept. of Social Welfare, administrative
problems, President Truman’s foreign policy.

11 – Leavenworth Schools (Sept. 1950 – Oct., 1951)
Public Law 815 (81st Congress) – “An Act Relating to the
Construction of School Facilities in Areas affected by Federal
Activities, and for Other Purposes.”
Public Law 874 (81st Congress) – “An Act to Provide
Financial Assistance for Local Educational Agencies in
Areas Affected by Federal Activities, and for Other Purposes.”
The folder consists of documents reflecting how these laws affect
the Leavenworth schools.

12 – M (Feb. – Nov., 1951) salary increase for government employees,
inflation, Defense Production Act, Hoover report, flood control,
flood relief, Pick-Sloan Plan, Tuttle Creek Dam, Missouri Valley
Authority, big dams.

13 – Mc (Jan. – Dec., 1951) Korean War, keeping alcohol away
from soldiers, reduce government spending, proposed pay raise
for postal employees, rent control, eighteen year old Selective Service
bill, threat of communism, taxation of cooperatives and mutuals,
universal military training bill, Tackett Amendment to the Interior
appropriations bill with respect to the Southwestern Power
Administration, price control law, inflation, flood control,
Tuttle Creek Dam.

14 – Menninger, Karl (Dec., 1949 – Oct., 1951) fighting a staff cut
at the Winter VA Hospital.

15 – N (Jan., 1950 – Aug., 1951) Tuttle Creek Dam.

16 – O (Jan. – Aug., 1951) pay raise for government employees,
the drafting of farm boys, Anderson Amendment to the Defense
Production Act, inflation, Milford Dam, flood control, relief of
flood victims.

Box 32
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1951 (P — XYZ)

1 – P (Jan. – Nov., 1951) reduce government spending, Tuttle
Creek Dam, flood control, damage from 1951 flood.

2 – Parks, Mrs. Charles; re: Mrs. Elise Lotti (July, 1950 —
Jan., 1952).

3 – Potawatomi Indians (May – July, 1951) regards curtailment
of some supervisory services of the Federal Indian Service to
Potawatomi Indians.

4 – Q (June – Aug., 1951) rent control, Milford Dam, Pick-Sloan
P lan, Kanopolis Dam, flood damage.

5 – R (July – Nov., 1951) rent control, increase in federal tax,
Tuttle Creek Dam, flood control, Pick-Sloan Plan, flood relief

6 – S (July - Dec., 1951) taxation of cooperative businesses,
flood relief, flood control, multiple purpose dams.
S. 1935 – “A Bill to Provide Payment for Property Losses
Resulting from the 1951 Floods in the States of Kansas,
Missouri, and Oklahoma, and for Other Purposes.”
(dated 9/1/51).
S. 2148 – “A Bill to Establish a National Disaster
Insurance Corporation, and for Other Purposes.”
(dated 9/20/51).

7 – St. Benedict’s College (Dec., 1950 – April, 1951) offer of
facilities for use in the national defense program. This folder
deals with attempts to establish an R.O.T.C. unit there.

8 – T (Jun. 1950 – Dec., 1951) universal service plan vs. the
present Selective Service Law, salary increases for government
employees, high cost of living, pay raise for postal employees,
universal military training, inflation, need for price control
legislation, flood control, unnecessary government spending,
Defense Production Act, flood relief, Tuttle Creek Dam, Milford
Dam, Perry Dam.

9 – U (March – May, 1951).

10 – V (July – Oct., 1951) flood control, Pick-Sloan Plan, Tuttle
Creek Dam.

12 – W (June – Dec., 1951) flood losses, Kansas River Basin
Project, flood control, Delaware River Watershed.

13 – Wenger, Ray (ca. July, 1950 – Oct. 1951) flood control,
especially the Delaware River basin; included is an undated,
unidentified map of the Delaware River Watershed area.

14 – Youpe, Louis A. (ca. July – Nov., 1950).

15 – X-Y-Z (April, 1950 – Oct., 1951) universal military training
legislation, flood relief.
Public Law 624 (S. 3937) – “An Act to Authorize the
President to Extend Enlistments in the Armed Forces of
the United States.” (dated 7/27/50).

Box 33
82nd Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1951
(Agriculture – Flood Control)

1 – Agriculture (Jan. – Dec., 1951) flood rehabilitation,
flood control.

2 – Albert M. Cole (Jan., 1951 – Jan., 1952) Korean situation,
Gen. McArthur, Pick-Sloan Plan, Tuttle Creek Dam, flood
relief bill.

3 – Annapolis (Aug., 1950 – Aug., 1951).

4 – Appointments (Dec., 1950 – June, 1951) price control,
rent control.

5 – Appointments, continued (June – Dec., 1951) flood control.

6 – Archives (Jan. – Feb., 1951).

7 – Civil Service Commission (Jan., 1950 – Dec., 1951)
correspondence concerning entrance exams for military
academies, problems of Civil Service employees, higher
pay for government employees, President Truman’s
dismissal of Gen. McArthur.

8 – Commerce (Feb. – Dec., 1951) flood prediction.

9 – Flood control: Emergency and relief cases and official
correspondence (July – Dec., 1951) resolutions and propositions
of various groups concerning flood control and accounts of Cole’s
efforts to help his constituents deal with this problem, e.g.,
arrangements made for emergency grants of money for flood
victims; includes an undated map of drainage systems in the
Topeka area.

10 – Flood control: General letters (Aug. – Sept., 1951) flood
relief, Milford Dam, Pick-Sloan Plan, Walnut Creek Dam in
Brown Co., flood prevention vs. flood control, Tuttle Creek Dam,
Topeka flood disaster, excessive government spending.

11 – Flood control: General letters, continued (Sept., 1951)
Tuttle Creek Dam, flood prevention, Pick-Sloan Plan, flood control,
flood damage to industry in Kansas City, flood relief, dikes to
protect North Topeka from flooding, flood control efforts in Frankfort,
taxation of cooperative businesses, multiple purpose dams.

12 – Flood control: General letters, continued (Sept. – Dec., 1951)
flood relief, dikes, flood control, Tuttle Creek Dam, dry dams vs.
multiple purpose dams, flood damage, flood aid bill, flood insurance,
taxation of cooperative businesses, flood relief legislation, Pick-Sloan
Plan, flood insurance legislation, dikes in North Topeka, flood pre-
vention, tax relief for flood victims, Hoover report, economy in
government, flood protection for Frankfort, in letter dated
10/26/51 Cole explains the efforts he has undertaken to help with
the flood control dilemma, Delaware River watershed, Kiro Dam,
Kanopolis Dam, flood forum, Missouri Valley Authority.

Box 34
82nd Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1951 (Flood Control –
White House information)

1 – Flood control: General letters (Jan. – Aug., 1951) Delaware
River project, Salt-Wahoo Watershed, flood control, Tuttle Creek
Dam, Milford Dam, Perry Dam, Walnut Creek Basin, Hoover
Commission recommendations for flood control, flood control
problems on the Missouri River, Missouri Basin Inter-Agency
Committee, Delaware River Basin, St. Lawrence seaways, Kansas
River Basin Project, soil conservation, flood relief, Pick-Sloan
Plan, disaster loans, flood control in Missouri Valley, includes
map by Corps of Engineers showing Dallas-Charleston Bends
segment of K.C. District of the Missouri River (in Doniphan Co.) dated 8/19/50.

2 – Flood control: General letters continued (Aug. – Oct.,
1951) Tuttle Creek Dam, flood control, Pick-Sloan Plan, flood
prevention, reduce government spending, dry reservoirs, Delaware
River Basin, flood relief, Kanopolis Dam, Milford Dam, Perry Dam,
flood warnings, flood drainage.

3 – Forbes Air Base (Jan. – April, 1951) relates to Cole’s attempts
to help people find employment at the base.

4 – General Accounting (April, 1951 – Jan., 1952).

5 – Indian Service (Feb. – Aug., 1951) concerns cutback in staff
at Pottawatomie Agency in Horton.

6 – H.J. Res. 181 – Christian Amendment (Sept., 1946 – Jan., 1951)
H. J. Res. 239 – “Joint Resolution Proposing as Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States with Respect to Religious Freedom.”
(dated 7/15/47)
H.J. Res. 181 – “Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States.” (introduced by Cole on 3/1/49)
Deals with religious freedom, freedom of speech and press, and
rights to peaceful assemblage.

7 – Interior Dept. (Feb. – Oct., 1951) price control, personal
concerns relating to land development.

8 – Kansas Legislature (Feb. – March, 1951) a concurrent
resolution by both houses of the Kansas Legislature concerning
taxes on gifts, inheritance, and income.

9 – Legislation: Miscellaneous (Oct., 1951) increase in parcel
postage rates, Townsend Pension Plan, legislation concerning
pay raise for postal employees.

10 – Manhattan Airport, Flood Emergency (July – Aug., 1951)
relates to the need for additional air service for Manhattan
brought about by flood disruption of other forms of transportation;
includes an undated map of Manhattan compiled by the City Engineer's
Office that shows the area of town affected by the 1951 flood
(2 copies); highway maps of Kansas included, bearing the date
7/26/51, that shows flood damage to roads (issued by Maintenance
Dept. of State Highway Commission of Kansas).

11 – National Production Authority (Feb. – Dec., 1951) shortage
of boxcars for grain loading, shortage of bailing wire, applications
requesting that Topeka and Leavenworth be declared critical defense
areas, shortage of farm machine parts.

12 – P. L. 637 – H.J. Res. 402 – Missouri-Kansas Boundary (Jan.,
1950 – Jan., 1951)
S. J. Res. 147 – “Joint Resolution Giving the Consent of
Congress to an Agreement between the State of Missouri
and the State of Kansas Establishing a Boundary between
Said States.” (introduced by Cole on 1/19/50; 5 copies)
H. J. Res. 402 – “Joint Resolution Giving the Consent of
Congress to an Agreement between the State of Missouri
and the State of Kansas Establishing a Boundary between
Said States.” (introduced on 1/24/50; 3 copies)
H.J. Res. 447 – “Joint Resolution Giving the Consent of
Congress to an Agreement between the State of Missouri
and the State of Kansas Establishing a Boundary between
said States.” (introduced on 3/30/50 by Cole; 3 copies)
S.J. Res. 206 – “Joint Resolution Consenting to an Inter-
State Boundary Compact by and between the States of
Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.” (introduced on

13 – Red Cross (Aug. – Dec., 1951) flood prevention, flood relief,
Red Cross flood relief.

14 – Star Route vs. R. R., Washington Co. (June – July, 1951)
Washington Co. citizens wanted the Burlington Railroad to
continue carrying mail to the small towns of their county. The
railroad wanted to stop. The folder concerns this dispute.

15 – State Dept. (Jan. – Dec., 1951) mostly individual cases;
visa applications, etc.; price control legislation; a discussion of
Public Law 51 of the 82nd Congress which amended previous
draft laws.

16 – War Claims Commission (Dec., 1951).

17 – White House information (March, 1951).

Box 35
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1952 (A-Mc)

1 – A (Jan. – Nov., 1952) flood control, Missouri Valley Authority,
Tuttle Creek Dam, Milford Dam, Missouri River Commission.

2 – B (Feb. – April, 1952) Tuttle Creek Dam, flood control, Pick-
Sloan Plan, Kansas River Basin, flood prevention, Nemaha River
Basin, Delaware River Watershed Association, Missouri Basin
Survey Commission and flood damage, Defense Production Act.

3 – G (Feb., 1951 – June, 1952) flood control, flood prevention,
Korean War, flood damage, flood relief.

4 – D (April – June, 1952) Soldier Creek cleaning project.

5 – E (Jan. – Dec., 1952) universal military training, flood control,
benefits for Korean War veterans, Moody-Dingell Bill, Defense Production
Act, reduce spending of federal government, steel dispute, big dams
on the Missouri River, causing relocation of towns.

6 – F (April – July, 1952) flood control plan of Manhattan Chamber
of Commerce; flood relief in Wyandotte, Leavenworth, Atchison,
and Doniphan counties; flood insurance law; Gen. McArthur;
Tuttle Creek Dam.

7 – G (Jan. – June, 1952) flood protection, universal military training,
Korean War, Tuttle Creek Dam, flood control.

8 – H (Jan. – May, 1952) flood control, President Truman’s seizure
of steel mills, government control of industry, flood insurance.

9 – Hook, mayor of Manhattan (Jan. – June, 1952) Missouri
Valley Survey Commission, flood control, Tuttle Creek Dam,
Blue River watershed, Milford Dam, dry vs. wet dams,
political implications of flood control problem, flood insurance.

10 – J (Jan. – July, 1952) Tuttle Creek Dam, Missouri Valley
Authority, watersheds vs. big dams as a form of flood control,
Pick-Sloan Plan, Young Plan of flood control.

11 – L (March – July, 1952) Tuttle Creek Dam, station KJAY,
Winter Veterans Hospital, flood relief.

12 – Liepold, Karl (April, 1952).

13 – Mc (Jan. – June, 1952) flood prevention, price controls
on food, flood relief includes a road map of Shawnee Co.
dated 2/1/36.

Box 36
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1952 (M—Shumway)

1 – M (Jan. – Dec., 1952) flood control on Kansas River and its
tributaries; the assignment of a U.S. ambassador to the Vatican;
soil conservation-detention dam method of flood protection;
Tuttle Creek Dam; housing conditions; growth of presidential
power, in relation to the steel crisis; flood control; McGuire
Bill; Railroad Retirement Act; reduce government spending;
Revenue Enforcement Act; flood control-watershed control vs.
big dams; flood control improvements on Big Stranger Creek;
election loss condolences; correspondence between Cole and
Howard S. Miller, the candidate who defeated him.

2 – N (Jan. – Nov., 1952) tax legislation, U.S. foreign policy,
Railroad Retirement Act, universal military training, watershed
flood control, Tuttle Creek Dam, flood control, excessive
government spending, high taxes, Truman’s seizure of the
steel mills, Defense Production Act, housing situation in Topeka,
includes a diagram entitled “A Plan of a 40 Acre Watershed
Flood Control.”

3 – Neale Construction Co. (March – June, 1952) Air Force

4 – Nightingale, Harry (Feb. – May, 1952) political gossip.

5 – O (Jan. – Nov., 1952) universal military training, GI benefits
for Korean War veterans, Tuttle Creek Dam, flood control.

6 – P (March – April, 1952) business concerning nominating
papers, universal military training, reduce government spending
and taxes, Tuttle Creek Dam.

7 – R (Oct., 1951 – Sept., 1952) flood control, complaints about
President Truman.

8 – Reames Oil Company (ca. June, 1950 – Dec., 1951) deals with
business contracts.

9 – S (Feb. – Nov., 1952) universal military training, economy in
government, the appointment of an ambassador to the Vatican,
Tuttle Creek Dam, flood control, flood damage, flood prevention,
flood control in the Kaw Valley, price controls, Defense Production
Act, flood insurance program.
Public Law 637 (S.J. Res. 147) Joint Resolution Giving the
Consent of Congress to an Agreement between the State of Missouri and the State of Kansas Establishing a Boundary between Said States. (approved 8/3/50)
Public Law 771 (S. 4071) the “Dependents Assistance Act of
1950.” (approved 9/8/50)

10 – Shaffer, William (May, 1949 – Feb., 1952) mostly concerns
possible flood control measures for Frankfort; also, threat of

11 – Shumway, Lucille and Arthur Steward (ca. May, 1951 – Feb., 1952).

Box 37
82nd Congress, General Correspondence, 1952 (T – Z)

1 – T (Jan. – Dec., 1952) Defense Production Act, Tuttle Creek Dam,
Taft-Hartley Labor Law, steel workers’ dispute, flood control,
watershed control and soil conservation vs. big dams, labor disputes,
reservoir costs, extension of price controls, universal military training,
excessive government spending, high taxes, flooding along Missouri
River, fair trade legislation, the appointment of a U.S. ambassador to
the Vatican, National Service Training Bill, retirement benefits for
former government employees.

2 – U (Jan. – Aug., 1952) flood control; income tax deductions for
flood-related losses; military pay increase bill; flood control for
the Kansas River; Tuttle Creek Dam; universal military training
legislation; watershed and flood control, Rock Creek Valley, big
dams; flood damage.

3 – V (Jan. – Nov., 1952) universal military training; threat of
communism; Emergency Detention Act; Tuttle Creek Dam;
flood control; Korean Conflict; benefits for Korean Conflict veterans;
Milford Dam; flood control on the Delaware River; G.I.
loans; watershed control; soil conservation; big dams; 1951
flood damage; dry dams; flood control hearings held by the
House Flood Control Committee, March 30-April 19, 1938;
commentary concerning Cole’s 1952 electoral defeat.

4 – W (Jan. – Nov., 1952) relief for flood victims, channel
and dike construction for Topeka area, President Truman’s
budget, universal military training, commentary concerning
Cole’s 1952 electoral defeat.

5 – W continued (Jan. – Dec., 1952) the appointment of a
U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, universal military training,
flood relief-Regulation W, flood control for the Kansas
River, National Service Training Bill, flood control in Manhattan,
channel and dike construction for the Topeka area, Tuttle Creek
Dam, flood prevention, Topeka Flood Control Project, Civil
Service Retirement Act, reduce government spending, high
taxes, flood control-soil conservation vs. big dams, Pick-Sloan
Plan, increase annuities for retired government employees, Defense
Production Act, Cole’s chances for victory at the primary election,
local politicking in the district, problems with the Kansas River
flooding at Manhattan, the political enemies Cole may have made
by taking a stand in favor of Tuttle Creek Dam, price controls,
Perry Dam, flood control legislation, Kansas Watersheds Assoc.,
flooding on Missouri River, President Truman’s seizure of the
steel mills, possibility of Truman’s impeachment, increased benefits
to veterans and their dependents, Delaware River Watershed Assoc.,
reflections following Cole’s 1952 electoral defeat.

6 – Wanamaker, Melvin, Waterville (March, 1947 – Aug., 1952)
concerns a compensation claim.

7 – Y (Sept., 1951 – May, 1952) universal military training, the
appointment of a U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, Defense Control

8 – Yates, Noble R., 164 669 (Aug. – Dec., 1951) personal case
involving a former member of the U.S. Naval Reserve who was
accused of desertion and robbery.

9 – Z (Jan. – June, 1952) Tuttle Creek Dam, reduce government

Box 38
82nd Congress, Departmental Correspondence, 1952
(Agriculture – Vatican)

1 – Agriculture (Jan. – July, 1952) extending soil conservation
payments, universal military training, Commodity Credit Cor-
poration, flood damage, Soldier Creek cleaning project, flood
relief funds, flood control, watershed vs. reservoir approach.

2 – Army (Feb. – Nov., 1952) U.S. military forces in Korea.

3 – Army: Corps of Engineers (Feb. – Sept., 1952) ice jams
causing flooding; navigation improvement work on flooding
problem along the Kansas-Missouri border line; drains on the levees
at Iowa Pt.; bank stabilization of the Kansas River; Pick-
Sloan Plan; flood control work on Big Stranger Creek in
Leavenworth Co.; French Bottoms: State boundary questions;
Pick-Sloan agricultural levees in the Iowa Point Drainage
Dist. #4, Doniphan Co.; river bank protection along the Kansas
River near Silver Lake; repair levees on Kansas River, west of
Topeka; channel stabilization realignment through cutoff above
St. Joseph, Mo.; flooding of Fairmont Cemetery in the Blue Rapids
unnecessary as part of Tuttle Creek Dam construction.

4 – The Case of Richard J. Van Winkle 37519769 of Company
D, The 781st Tank Battalion
(booklet) chronicles the quest of
the deceased soldier’s parents to get their son’s rank corrected;
includes H.R. 4096 – “A Bill To Award a Posthumous Rating of
Technician, Fourth Class, to Richard J. Van Winkle.” (introduced
to the House by Cole on 4/7/49).

5 – Cole, Albert MacDonald (April – July, 1952) flood control;
gossip concerning opposition to Cole’s renomination in August
primary; much personal business of Cole; includes biographical
sketch of Cole, published in Kansas Voter’s Guide, 1952.”

6 – Federal security (Feb. – May, 1952) primarily deals with
federal aid to local school districts.

7 – Flood: after July 9 (July, 1952) flood control, Tuttle Creek
Dam, dry dam concept.

8 – Flood: Manhattan projects (Jan. – May, 1952) inadequate
Rock Island Railway Bridge near Manhattan, includes an outline
of plans for flood prevention projects in Manhattan.

9 – Internal Revenue (Jan. – May, 1952) individual tax complaints
and cases.

10 – Interstate Commerce Commission (Feb. – April, 1952)
reduce federal budget.

11 – Office of Price Stabilization (April – July, 1952) present
program of price controls.

12 – Political (Dec., 1950 – July, 1952) political news from
1st District, union shop amendments to the Railway Labor
Act, Defense Act, the business of securing signatures on
nomination petitions for Cole, universal military training,
the political implications of taking a stand on the flood control
problem, amendments to the price and wage control law, gossip
concerning the local and national political situation, Tuttle Creek
Dam, flood control, watershed form of flood protection.

13 – Selective Service (Dec., 1951 – Oct., 1952) “Index to the
Selective Service Regulations and the Universal Military
Training and Service Act” (dated 12/3/51), deferment of farmers,
universal military training, numerous individual deferment cases,
Korean War, global containment of communism.

14 – Small Defense Plants Administration (Jan., 1952).

15 – Social Security (Jan. – Aug., 1952) benefits granted under
amendments to the Railroad Retirement Act.

16 – United Nations (Jan. – April, 1952) includes details on
Cole’s visits to inspect dikes in his district.

17 – Universal Military Training (Jan. – Feb., 1952) letters and
cards from constituents urging Cole to support universal military
training bill in the House.

18 – Van Winkle, Richard (Jan., 1947 – March, 1949) correspondence
and other materials related to the Van Winkle case.

19 – Van Winkle, Richard, continued (March – Oct., 1949)
correspondence and other materials related to the Van Winkle case.

20 – Vatican (Jan. – Feb., 1952).

Box 39
Flood Control and Legislation

1 – The box begins with a listing of the materials contained in
boxes 39 and 40 by area, Delaware River – Kaw River;
the dates on the items range from 5/21/36 through 8/18/52.

2 – Delaware River (Feb., 1948 – Feb., 1951) correspondence
between Cole and his constituents concerning the construction
of Perry Dam on the Delaware River; Claude Brey, from
Ozawkie, was the most significant of the correspondents
represented here. He was president of the Delaware River
Basin Citizens Association and very active in the fight against
large dams in northeastern Kansas.

3 – Flood control (Jan., 1951 – July, 1952) correspondence
between Cole and his constituents concerning flood control
and, especially, Tuttle Creek Dam.

4 – Flood control (Nov., 1947 – Nov., 1951) correspondence
concerning various flood control projects, including big dams,
in the 1st District.

5 – Flood telegrams (Aug., 1951) from constituents protesting
either the Pick-Sloan Plan of flood control or the construction
of Tuttle Creek Dam.

6 – Gypsum Creek, Frankfort, on the Vermillion River
(June, 1949 – June, 1951) correspondence concerning flooding
problems in Frankfort; includes documentation relating
to a public hearing held at Frankfort on 1/25/50 by the Committee
of Public Works, Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, for
the purpose of obtaining first-hand information about flood problems.

7 – Kaw River (Feb., 1948 – Feb., 1950) concerns flood protection
for the North Topeka area; primarily, Soldier Creek Cutoff; a
proposed channel to be dug from Soldier Creek to the Kansas
River at a point near Topeka.

Box 40
Flood control and legislation correspondence (Leavenworth
drainage – Tuttle Creek Dam)

1 – Leavenworth drainage (March, 1950 – Sept., 1951)
Leavenworth sewage system, flood control on Three Mile Creek,
near Leavenworth.

2 – Milford Dam, Kiro Dam (March, 1948 - July, 1949) letters
and telegrams that document the thoughts of Cole and many of
his constituents concerning proposals to construct Milford Dam.

3 – Missouri River (Elwood Bottoms, Wathena) (May, 1948 –
July, 1951) jam on the Missouri River, proposed Missouri
River levee in Burr Oak Bottoms region, Elwood Bottoms
H.R. 4010 – a bill that authorized preliminary
examination and survey of the Missouri River
from the vicinity of the Iowa-Nebraska line, near
Watson, Mo., to the vicinity of Leavenworth, Kans.
(introduced by Congressman Welch of Missouri)
map of Burr Oak Bottoms area of Doniphan Co.,
dated 2/47, is included.

4 – Missouri River Basin (May, 1948 – Dec., 1950) Osage River
in Kansas and Missouri, Pick-Sloan Plan, Missouri Valley
Authority, Hoover Commission report, includes a map of the
Osage River and its tributaries in Kansas and Missouri, copies
of numerous resolutions from various regional organizations
concerned with the problems of soil conservation and flood control.

5 – Nemaha River (includes Turkey Creek in Nemaha Co. and
Walnut Creek in Jackson Co.) (Nov., 1948 – Nov., 1950)
correspondence between Cole and his constituents concerning
flood control and these streams, includes a map entitled
“Proposed Flood Control Measures for Nemaha and Little
Nemaha Basins” (taken from 11/29/50 issue of the Sabetha

6 – News items (Dec., 1949 – Feb., 1950) newspaper articles
concerning either the Pick-Sloan Plan of flood control or
Tuttle Creek Dam, taken from the Manhattan Tribune News,
the Kansas City Times, the Blue Rapids Times, the Frankfort
, the Marysville Advocate, and the Hiawatha newspaper;
several maps of the Tuttle Creek Dam vicinity are included.

7 – Stonehouse Creek Drainage District (Feb., 1949 – June, 1951)
correspondence between Cole and James S. Lester, an attorney
for Stonehouse Creek Drainage District; in the text of a letter to
Cole dated 1/24/49, Lester explains the Stonehouse Creek situation.

8 – Tuttle Creek Dam (Feb., 1946 – Aug., 1951) this folder is a
potpourri of petitions, reports, resolution, and correspondence
from Cole’s district concerning various aspects of flood control;
it provides an extensive list of names of individuals and organi-
zations in the region that were interested in the flood control

9 – Tuttle Creek Dam continued (April, 1952 – Oct., 1952).