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Alfred M. Landon Research Grants

Alfred M. LandonThe Alfred M. Landon Historical Research Grant is presented annually to graduate students for research in the collections of the Kansas Historical Society. The total amount available is $1,000. The submission deadline for the Landon Research Grants Award is April 15.  The award will be awarded each summer for research to be conducted in the collections of the Historical Society during the following fiscal year (beginning July 1). Find a list of past recipients.

Funds for this program are provided by the Alfred M. Landon Historical Research Endowment, established in 1987 by family and friends in memory of Governor Landon and in appreciation of his distinguished service to Kansas and the nation.

Application procedure

Applicants should submit a completed application electronically to membership@kshistory.org or by mail to the Kansas Historical Foundation by April 15, for projects to be completed in the fiscal year beginning July 1. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their projects in advance with Historical Society staff members having expertise in the proposed fields of inquiry. Those applicants who have not previously utilized the holdings of the Historical Society are urged to visit and explore the sources available before submitting an application.

Evaluation criteria

A special panel for the Kansas Historical Foundation, appointed annually by the Foundation's executive committee, will review applications. The purpose of the grant is to help defray expenses while using the resources of the Historical Society's State Archives, Kansas Museum of History, or both. Recipients will be expected to spend a minimum of two weeks conducting research at the Historical Society.

Applications are evaluated on the basis of expected utilization of the available holdings of Historical Society collections, the degree to which the project addresses new scholarship in Kansas heritage, the proposal's potential for wide dissemination, the timetable for project completion, and the qualifications of the applicant. Applicants will be notified in writing of the results of the review of their applications. Public announcement of the grant recipients will be made at the annual meeting in November.


Grants are awarded on a one-time basis, during the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Funding must be used during that fiscal year. Successful applicants are not precluded from applying for additional grants in later fiscal years.

Recipients will be awarded 50 percent of the grant funds when arriving to initiate the research, with the remainder to be paid after review and acceptance of the final report. The latter will consist of a statement regarding time spent in research at the Historical Society and a detailed explanation of the research performed. During a particular fiscal year the Historical Society reserves the right not to award any Landon grants based either on the availability of funds or the quality of the applications.

All grant recipients should provide one copy of the final product of their funded research for inclusion in the collections of the Historical Society.

For more information and to submit applications contact:

Kansas Historical Foundation
6425 SW 6th Avenue
Topeka KS 66615-1099
Fax 785-272-8682