State Archeologist
The State Archeologist, in coordination with the archeology staff of the Kansas Historical Society (KSHS), is responsible for various programs aimed at the protection of archeological sites in Kansas. The State Archeologist also works with staff to maintain the archeological collections housed at the KSHS.
Site Files
The State Archeologist and staff maintain site files providing information on the location and contents of the state's archeological sites. To date nearly 17,000 Kansas sites are recorded.
Learn more about recording archeological sites and the appropriate forms to use.
Access the archeological site and survey GIS coverage (password required).
Statutory Duties
There are also statutory duties associated with the office. The State Archeologist is the secretary of the Antiquities Commission, charged with protecting archeological sites on state and local government land (Antiquities Act Basics, Antiquities Act Statute), and he/she is chair of the Unmarked Burial Sites Preservation Board, which protects burials not found in cemeteries . He/she also works to keep the KSHS in compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).
Other duties include working with staff to promote the protection and understanding of archeological resources in the state by working with amateur groups, other professional archeologists, museums, and school-aged children through the KSHS education programs. They direct and teach at the annual Kansas Archeology Training program field school. Finally, the State Archeologist conducts research and prepares publications on Kansas archeology, participates in and hosts conferences and symposia, and makes sites and collections accessible to qualified researchers.
Contact information:
Nikki Klarmann, PhD
State Archeologist
Cultural Resources
Agency NAGPRA representative
Kansas State Historical Society
6425 SW 6th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66615-1099
785-272-8681, ext. 269