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Certified Local Government Program

The Certified Local Government (CLG) program is a partnership between local, state and federal governments focused on promoting historic preservation. The Kansas Historical Society and the National Park Service (NPS) jointly administer the CLG program in Kansas.

Why should a local community become a CLG?

Certification provides expert technical advice from the Kansas Historical Society and the NPS. Partnerships with the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions, Preserve America, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the National Main Street Center provide additional opportunities for CLGs to access resources.

Access to federal funding is another benefit, making certified communities able to access the portion of federal funds set aside by each State Historic Preservation Office for just CLGs annually. Being a CLG also shows your community's commitment to keeping significant community resources from the past for future generations. Becoming a certified town, city, or county government demonstrate a readiness to take on a preservation project and be successful when seeking other opportunities for community development.

Kansas CLG Coordinator
Cultural Resources Division
Kansas State Historical Society
6425 SW 6th Avenue
Topeka, Kansas 66615-1099
785.272.8681 ext 228
FAX 785.272.8682


Annual CLG Forum training materials

What is a CLG?
Helpful weblinks for CLGs
State Plan Questionnaire for CLGs
2014 CLG Training PowerPoint presentation
Kansas Architectural Styles
Standards for Rehabilitation
Local Design Review vs. State Design Review
Kansas Preservation Law Revised 2013
Kansas Preservation Law Flowchart
Historic Preservation Fund grant basics
Heritage Trust Fund grant basics
State and Federal Tax Credit basics
How to list a property to the National Register
National Register Historic District listing process

Other Helpful Information for CLGs

Section 106 and CLGs (ppt)
Using CDBG for Preservation handout (doc)
Lead Paint and Historic Preservation handout (pdf)
HUD Interim Controls for Lead Paint (pdf)