Civil Rights During the Eisenhower Administration, 1953-1961
Microfilm rolls MF 7173 - MF 7186
- Introduction
- Contents List
- Related Records and Collections
- Index Terms
- Additional Information for Researchers
Civil Rights During the Eisenhower Administration, Part 1: White House Central Files, Series A: School Desegregation, brings together a large amount of material on the civil rights issues, events, and personalities that rose to prominence during the 1953-1961 presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower, a critical period in the history of the civil rights movement in the United States. The collection also contains documents on discrimination affecting other groups, including Indians, Jews, and Asians, as well as documentation of the efforts by states and localities to obtain federal funding for greatly needed school facilities construction. The majority of documents in this collection consists of letters to the president or other officials with responsibility for directing or implementing civil rights policies, and answers to these letters.
14 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Civil rights during the Eisenhower administration
Microfilm MF 7173-MF 7186
Text is in English
This finding aid describes materials on microfilm held by the Kansas Historical Society. Microfilm may be used in the State Archives during regular research hours. Microfilm may also be borrowed through interlibrary loan for your use at a participating public, academic, or research library. Information on interlibrary loan is available from the Kansas Historical Society and on its web site, Support for telephone, mail and online research and reference is limited.
In a continuing effort to improve the completeness and accuracy of finding aids, revisions are made as more or new information becomes available. Consequently finding aids in paper format, on microfilm, and on the Society's web site may differ slightly.
Kansas State Historical Society (Topeka)
Contents List
Microfilm List
Additional details on the contents of each roll may be obtained from the published Guide to the microfilm, available in the Kansas Historical Society’s State Archives or on the publisher's website:
Reel 1 (MF 7173)
School Facilities
Reel 2 (MF 7174)
School Facilities cont.
Vocational Education
Land-Grant Colleges
White House Conference on Education
Little Rock, Arkansas, School Integration Crisis
Reel 3 (MF 7175)
Little Rock, Arkansas, School Integration Crisis cont.
Segregation and Desegregation
Reels 4-7 (MS 7176-MS 7179)
Segregation and Desegregation cont.
Reel 8 (MS 7180)
Segregation and Desegregation cont.
Material Relating to Brown v. Board of Education Decision
Reels 9-10 (MS 7181-MS 7182)
Material Relating to Brown v. Board of Education Decision cont.
Reel 11 (MS 7183)
Material Relating to Brown v. Board of Education Decision cont.
Little Rock, Arkansas, School Integration Crisis
Reels 12-13 (MS 7184-MS 7185)
Little Rock, Arkansas, School Integration Crisis cont.
Reel 14 (MS 7186)
Little Rock, Arkansas, School Integration Crisis cont.
New Orleans, Louisiana, School Integration Crisis
Little Rock Situation: Eisenhower Address
Related Records and Collections
Other Finding Aid
The microfilm is accompanied by a printed reel guide compiled by Dan Elasky, entitled: A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of Civil Rights During the Eisenhower Administration. Copies also available at the State Archives, Kansas Historical Society (Topeka).
Indexes to the Records
Index in the printed reel guide.
Index Terms
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969.
Lester, Robert. (co-author)
Elasky, Dan. (co-author)
University Publications of America (Firm) (co-author)
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library. (co-author)
Corporate Names
United States. President (1953-1961 : Eisenhower)
Geographic Names
United States-Politics and government-1953-1961-Sources.
African Americans-Civil rights-History-20th century-Sources.
Civil rights movement-United States-History-20th century-Sources.
School integration-United States-History-20th century-Sources.
Additional Information for Researchers
Restrictions on Access
Acquisition Information
Purchase, 2006.
Location of Originals
The documents reproduced in this publication are from the Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower in the custody of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, National Archives and Records Administration.
Purchased with funds from the Interlibrary Loan Development Program, Kansas Library Network Board.
The Kansas Historical Society State Archives has: pt. 1. White House central files: Series A, School desegregation.