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Harvest Tales - Lyon County

Harvest stories submitted by Kansans for the online exhibit, Wheat People.
Submit your own at kshs.kansasmuseum@ks.gov.

Shirley Williams

Lyon County

Shirley Williams, Library Assistant for the North Lyon County Library, found the following item in the Northern Lyon County Journal for July 1, 1898.

"The second regiment of volunteer harvest hands left north Lyon county Sunday afternoon for the wheat fields of western Kansas. The crowd in all numbered fourteen. Allen, Admire and Bushong were represented as follows: Chas. Bates, Husie Raeburn, John Simpson, Gene Hamble, and Monte Layton of Allen; J. C. Corp, J. E. Snyder, Ben Ogle, Ben Spade, Emert Shafer, Wes Gilpin and Will Wallace, Admire; Dallas St. John and Oscar Vandivort, Bushong. Several of the boys informed a reporter that they would not work for less than $2 a day, and if such is the case, we are sure most of them will be glad to return home and take their old positions in the corn fields, as there is not enough work in the west to accommodate the army of men now seeking employment, who will willingly take a position at $1 a day and board."

"Harvest Tales" is part of the online exhibit, Wheat People:  Celebrating Kansas Harvest.