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Kansas Archeology Training Program Past Field School Sites

Click here for a Kansas county map showing locations of KATP sites. The thumbnail of photo is a link to a larger view.

2023 - 2015
2014 - 2005
2004 - 1995
1994 - 1985
1984 - 1975

2014 - Miami County, Adair Cabin Site (14MM327)

  • The Samuel and Florella Adair Cabin has stood in John Brown Memorial Park in Osawatomie since 1912, but originally it was located at the western edge of town. From May 30 through June 14, 161 participants in the KATP field school undertook intensive archeological testing at the original cabin site, contributing 5,645 hours of labor to fieldwork, lab work, and classes.
  • The site was investigated with geophysical survey, metal detection, shovel testing, and excavation. Part of the cabin foundation was exposed, as well 14MM327_excavationas walkways and an outbuilding. A wide variety of artifacts from all periods of site occupation were recovered.
  • Reported in: Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2013) "Retracing John Brown's Steps" Kansas Preservation 35(4):20; Marsha K. King (2014) "2014 KATP Field School (May 30-June 14): Original Site of the Adair Cabin in Miami County (14MM327)" Kansas Anthropological Association Newsletter 26(1):7-10; John A. Fox (2014) "Abolitionism in Territorial Kansas: KATP Excavations at the Adair Cabin Site (14MM327)" Kansas Preservation 36(3):10-13; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle and Chris Hord (2014) "Field School Has Merit for Boy Scouts" Kansas Preservation 36(3):14-15; Christine D. Garst and Robert J. Hoard (2017) "Archeological Investigations of the Adair Cabin (14MM327): Results of the 2014 Kansas Archeology Training Program Field School." The Kansas Anthropologist 38: 114-156; Christine D. Garst (2022) “Gunflints in the Kansas Historical Society Collection” The Kansas Anthropologist 43: 63-74.

2013 - Ellis County, possible location of Billy Dixon's Whisky Ranch (14EL311)

  • The 2013 KATP field school was conducted June 1-16, 2013, near Hays at the presumed location of Billy Dixon’s Whisky Ranch trading post, providing 140 volunteers (57 participating in the KATP for the first time) an opportunity to investigate a mid-nineteenth century buffalo hunters camp. 6,100 hours were donated to field operations and to lab work and classes.
  • Remnants of two dugout structures were excavated: a 10 x 6-meter picket house with limestone walls and an ash log supporting structure and a 5 x 3-meter dugout, both excavated into the bank of a spring-fed creek.
  • Extramural areas of interest were investigated using metal detectors on a controlled grid. A metal detector survey of sites along a nearby segment of the Smoky Hill Trail also was accomplished.
  • Reported in: Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2013) "Stock Up on Archeology at the Billy Dixon Trading Post" Kansas Preservation 35(1):18-20; Steven R. Roberts (2013) "KATP Excavations at Whisky Ranch (14EL311) Summary and Observations"  Kansas Preservation 35(3):12-15; Steven R. Roberts (2013) "KATP Excavations at Whisky Ranch (14EL 311): A Brief Summary" KAA Newsletter 25(3):6; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2013) "Evaluation of the 2013 KATP Field School" KAA Newsletter 25(3):6-10; Marsha King (2013) "Classes at the 2013 KATP" KAA Newsletter 25(3):10-11; Mary Conrad (2013) "Field Labs at 2013 KATP" and Evening Programs at the 2013 KATP" KAA Newsletter 25(3):14-17, 19-22; Nancy Arendt (2013) "Smoky Hill Trail Survey in Ellis County" KAA Newsletter 25(3):18-19; Steven R. Roberts (2014) "Investigations at 14EL311, Ellis County, Kansas: Presumed Location of Billy Dixon’s Whisky Ranch." The Kansas Anthropologist 35:62-110.

2012 - Shawnee County, Fool Chief's Village (14SH305)

  • The 2012 KATP field school was held June 2-17 at the site of Fool Chief’s Village (14SH305). The historically documented Kansa Indian habitation (1830-1844) will be adversely affected by a road project on the north side of Topeka. The Kansas Historical Society and the Kansas Anthropological Association partnered with the Kansas Department of Transportation to carry out a data recovery program to mitigate adverse effects to the site. Two hundred participants contributed 6,985 hours of labor to the project.
  • Additional fieldwork, artifact processing, and data analysis continued through the summer and fall months and will resume in the spring 2013 ahead of the KDOT project. A comprehensive report will be produced.
  • Reported in: Virginia A. Wulfkuhle, Tricia Waggoner, Margaret C. Wood (2012) "Pursuing Traces of the Wind People" Kansas Preservation 34(1):27-29; Margaret C. Wood (2012) "The Faint Footprint of Fool Chief's Village" Current Archaeology in Kansas 9:35-47; Brendon P. Asher and Mark Volmut (2012) "Fool Chief's Village (14SH305): Artifact Analysis and Descriptive Report" Current Archaeology in Kansas 9:48-68; Tricia Waggoner and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2012) "Partnership to Help in Kansa Village Mitigation" Current Archaeology in Kansas 9:69-74; Tricia Waggoner (2012) "Kansas Archeology Training Program" Kansas Preservation 34(3):17-20; Marsha King "2012 KATP at Fool Chief's Village (14SH305)" KAA Newsletter 24(3):6; Barb Engquist (2012) "Finding More than Artifacts" KAA Newsletter 24(3):7-8; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle "Evaluation of the 2012 KATP Field School" KAA Newsletter 24(3):9-11; Tim Weston (2012) "KATP Classes" KAA Newsletter 24(3):11-12; Dan Rowlinson "2012 KATP and Continuing Work at Fool Chief's Village" KAA Newsletter 24(3):15; Tricia Waggoner, Brendon Asher, Mark Volmut, Nichols Kessler, Alan Potter, William Billeck, Alison Hadley, John Bozell, Katherine Latham, Ed Miller, Gina Powell (2018) Excavations at Fool Chief's Village (14SH305) Kansas Historical Society Contract Archeology Publication 28. Kansas Historical Society, Topeka; Christine D. Garst (2022) “Gunflints in the Kansas Historical Society Collection” The Kansas Anthropologist 43: 63-74.

2011 - Pottawatomie County, Coffey Site (14PO1)

  • The Coffey site is an important Archaic-age locality situated on the banks of the Big Blue River north of Manhattan, Kansas. This project was a cooperative effort among the Kansas Historical Society, the University of Kansas, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Over the span of two weeks, a total of 180 volunteers donated 7,055 hours of labor alongside 11 KU undergraduate and graduate students.
  • The field school did not yield the expected wealth of Archaic artifacts, but it did uncover possible pre-Clovis-age remains and served to reestablish the importance of preserving the Coffey site.

  • Reported in: R. D. Mandel, J. A. McLean, S. R. Ryan, A. R. Potter, and N. V. Kessler (2010) Geoarchaeological Investigation and Condition Assessment of the Coffey Site (14PO1), Tuttle Creek Lake, Pottawatomie County, Kansas. Prepared for the KC Dist. of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers by Kansas Geological Survey and R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Lawrence, KS; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2011) "Strong Archeology Brewing at the Coffey Site" Kansas Preservation 33(1):12-14; Marsha K. King (2011) "June 4-19 Are the Dates and Pottawatomie County Is the Place for the 2011 KATP Field School" KAA Newsletter 23(1):12; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2011) "Evaluation of the 2011 KATP Field School" KAA Newsletter 23(3):7-10; Melanie Naden (2011) "KATP 2011 Evaluation and Comments from a KAA Crew Chief" KAA Newsletter 23(3):10-12; Rose Marie Wallen (2011)  "Photo Crew Report" KAA Newsletter 23(3):17; Mary Conrad (2011) "Rock Creek 2011 KATP Lab" KAA Newsletter 23(3):18-20; Mary Conrad (2011) "2011 KATP Evening Programs" KAA Newsletter 23(3):21-23; Frederic Sellet (2011) "A Coffey Break ..." Kansas Preservation 33(3):16-18.

2010 - Montgomery County, Estep Site (14MY388)

  • For the first time in its 35-year history, deep southeast Kansas was the destination of the KATP field school, June 5-20, 2010. Professionals and avocationals worked together to recover as much data as possible from a well-preserved, multicomponent prehistoric site threatened by river erosion and a streambank stabilization project. They investigated features from the Late Archaic and Early Ceramic periods (ca. 2200-2000 years ago).

  • Over the 16 days 167 volunteers donated 7,859 hours to this salvage project.  Eighty-two were first-time participants, and 28 were younger than 18 years of age. In addition to all regions of Kansas, people came from Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, Iowa, Georgia, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, California, and Australia.

  • Reported in: John Tomasic and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2010) "A First for the Field School" Kansas Preservation 32(1):21-24; Marsha K. King (2010) "2010 KATP to Be in Southeast Kansas for First Time" KAA Newsletter 22(1):11; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2010) "Evaluation of the 2010 KATP Field School" KAA Newsletter 22(3); Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2010) "A Warm Reception for the KATP in Southeast Kansas" Kansas Preservation 32(3):20-22; John Tomasic (2010) "The Eastep Site Revealed" Kansas Preservation 32(4):8-14; John Tomasic (2012) Archeological Survey of KDOT Project 24-75 KA-2261-01, Pottawatomie County, Kansas. Archeology Office, Kansas State Historical Society, submitted to Kansas Department of Transportation; John Tomasic, Edwin J. Miller, Mark Volmut, and Andrew Wyatt (2012) "The Eastep Site (14MY388): A Late Archaic/Woodland Period Site in Southeast Kansas Archeological Investigations of 14MO403: Report of the 2006 Kansas Archeology Training Program Field School" The Kansas Anthropologist 33:103-158; Rolfe Mandel (2012) "Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Context of the Eastep Site" The Kansas Anthropologist 33:159-174; Miller, Edwin J., John J. Tomasic, and M. Christopher Barnhart (2014) "A Comparison of Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae) from a Late-Archaic Archeological Excavation with Recently Sampled Verdigris River, Kansas, Populations" American Midland Naturalist Journal 171:16-26; Jack Ray (2016) “To the Point: Waubesa” Missouri Archaeological Society Quarterly 33(3):9-11.

2009 - Scott County, Scott State Park survey

  • The KSHS, KAA, and Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks partnered on the KATP field school in Scott State Park from May 30 through June 14, 2009. The focus was on assessing the condition of known sites within the park, conducting surveys to find new sites, and testing promising sites. More than 45 new archeological sites were documented in and near the park.

  • Archeology and built environment classes

    The artifact processing laboratory, classes on archeological and built-environment topics, and evening programs rounded out the project.

  • A total of 131 volunteers donated 5,929 hours to field work, lab work, and classes.

  • Reported in: C. Tod Bevitt and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2009) "Archeology Training Program Revisits its Roots" Kansas Preservation 31(1):12-16; Marsha K. King (2009) “2009 Kansas Archeology Training Program 'Revisits its Roots'” KAA Newsletter 21(1):13; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2009) "Kansas Archeology Training Program Field School" Kansas Preservation 31(2):24; Robert J. Hoard (2009) "A Walk in the Park: The Kansas Archeology Training Program Field School at Scott State Park” Archeology training programKansas Preservation 31(3); Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2009) "Evaluation of the 2009 KATP Field School" KAA Newsletter 21(3):4-7; Marsha K. King (2009) "2009 KATP Field School Photograph Gallery" KAA Newsletter21(3):8-10, 16-17; Chris Hord (2009) "Olivella Beads Recovered at 14SC409" KAA Newsletter 21(3):10; Robert J. Hoard (2009) "Archeological Survey of Scott State Park: 2009 Kansas Archeology Training Program Field School" The Kansas Anthropologist 30:41-133; Mary Conrad (2010) "Basics of the 2009 KATP Laboratory" and "2009 KATP Lab: Other Happenings" KAA Newsletter 21(3):11-14; Caitlin Meives (2010) "Class - Surveying Historic Resources in the Built Environment" KAA Newsletter 21(3):15; Sarah Trabert (2012) "An Analysis of Ceramics from 14SC409" The Kansas Anthropologist 32:19-22.

2008 - Republic County, Pawnee Indian Museum State Historic Site (14RP1)

  • The May 31-June 15 excavations at 14RP1 investigated two quadrants of a Pawnee earthlodge under the direction of field director Dr. Donna C. Roper.

14RP1 water screening

  • The hearth of the house was excavated, but postholes have yet to be found. Numerous artifacts of pottery, stone, bone, metal, and glass were recovered. Water screening of house fill and soil flotation samples have the potential to yield previously unrecovered data on subsistence.

  • The 2008 KATP field school was attended by 151 volunteers, who contributed 4,398 hours of labor in the field and artifact-processing lab. For 10 days the ranks were swelled by 13 University of Kansas Archaeological Field School students.

14RP1 excavation

  • Reported in: Mary J. Adair, Donna C. Roper, and Jack L. Hofman (2007) "Kitkahahki Archaeology: Investigations at the Pawnee Indian Village, 14RP1. Current Archaeology in Kansas 7:40-52; Marsha K. King (2008) “2008 Kansas Archeology Training Program” KAA Newsletter 20(1):8-9;Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2008) "2008 KATP Field School Will Uncover New Information at Pawnee Indian Museum State Historic Site” Kansas Preservation 30(1):18-23; Rose Marie Wallen (2008) “2008 KATP Work Continues Through Rain and Tornados” KAA Newsletter 20(2):8-9; Donna C. Roper, Mary J. Adair, and Jack L. Hofman (2008) "Kitkahahki Archeology: A Return to the Pawnee Indian Village Site" Kansas Preservation 30(5):13-17; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2008) "Getting the Dirt Out" Kansas Preservation 30(5):18; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2008) "Evaluation of the 2008 KATP Field School" KAA Newsletter 20(3):7-12; Marsha K. King (2008) "2008 KATP Field School Photograph Gallery" KAA Newsletter 20(3):13-22; Robert J. Hoard and Christopher S. Hord (2013) "Testing at 14RP1: House 26, Fortification, and Geophysical Anomalies." The Kansas Anthropologist 34:79-91.

2007 - Graham County, Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Farm (14GH102) & Nicodemus District 1 School House (14GH103)

  • 14gh102 excavationThe June 2-17 excavations at the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Farm (14GH102) investigated portions of a subterranean root cellar and a hybrid semi-subterranean dug-out/sod-up building, as well as three other areas. Many domestic artifacts were recovered, including the base of an 1859 Singer sewing machine. Test excavations at the Nicodemus District 1 School House (14GH103) defined the base of a privy.

  • The 2007 KATP field school was attended by 131 volunteers from all regions of Kansas. Altogether these volunteers contributed 2,881 hours of labor in the field, artifact processing lab, and classes. Dr. Flordeliz T. Bugarin of Howard University in Washington, D.C.

14gh102 Norman Dye

  • Reported in: Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2007) “KATP Heads for the Promised Land” Kansas Preservation 29(1):11-15; Flordeliz T. Bugarin (2007) “In the Midst of Wildflowers: KATP Searches for the Nicodemus Past” Kansas Preservation 29(4):1, 7-13; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2007) “Evaluation of the 2007 KATP Field School” KAA Newsletter 19(3):7-11; Mary Conrad (2007) “A Participant’s Review of the 2007 KATP Field School at Nicodemus” KAA Newsletter 19(3):11-13; Mary Al Titus (2007) “One Member’s KATP Nicodemus Experience” KAA Newsletter 19(3):13-15; Marsha K. King (2007) “KATP Field School 2007 Photograph Gallery” KAA Newsletter 19(3):15-18; Brenda Culbertson (2007) “Observations on High Tech Site Recording” KAA Newsletter 19(3):19-20; Chris Garst (2007) “2007 KATP Laboratory” KAA Newsletter 19(3):20; Randy Thies (2007) Kansas Cemeteries and Gravemarkers Class” KAA Newsletter 19(3):21; Tim Weston (2007) “Basic Archeological Excavation Class” KAA Newsletter 19(3):21-23; Mary Conrad (2007) “Associated Programs Enhance the KATP Field School Experience” Kansas Preservation 29(5):19-21; Mary Conrad (2007) “Music to the Ears” Kansas Preservation 29(5):22; M.C. Wood, C.D. Garst, R.J. Hoard, and V.A. Wulfkuhle (2018-2019) "African American Farmers of Nicodemus, Kansas: An Archaeological Examination of the Thomas Johnson and Henry Williams Farmstead." Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains 41:228-243.

2006 - Morris County, 14MO403

  • The June 3-18 excavation at 14MO403 near Council Grove yielded a number of artifacts from the Archaic-age Munkers Creek culture (ca. 5600-4800 years ago) and Hopewellian people of the Early Ceramic period (ca. 2000-1400 years ago). Projectile points, knives, drills, scrapers, waste flakes from stone tool making, and pottery sherds were among the artifacts, which represented the everyday activities that occurred at this place in the past. No house floors, storage pits, or post molds were uncovered, but several possible hearths of fire-reddened limestone were exposed in one area.

  • Archeology training program

    The 2006 KATP field school was attended by 180 volunteers from all regions of Kansas and from Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, and Massachusetts. Ninety-six were first-time participants, and 36 were between 10 and 18 years of age, including two groups of Boy Scouts who participated to fulfill a portion of their Archaeology Merit Badge requirements. Altogether these volunteers contributed 7,234 hours of labor in the field, artifact processing lab, and classes.

  • Archeology lab processing

    Reported in: Jim Dougherty and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2006) “Rendezvous in Council Grove” Kansas Preservation 28(1):20-23; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2006) “KATP Field School Trains Amateur Archeologists” Kansas Preservation 28(4):1, 10-16; Christine Garst, Nancy Arendt, Nancy Calhoun, Marilyn and Jerry Finke, Anita Frank, Marion Poe, and Jimmette Rowlinson (2006) “Camaraderie Along with Education: A Report on the Artifact Restoration and Conservation Class” Kansas Preservation 28(4):17-18; James L. Dougherty (2012) "Archeological Investigations of 14MO403: Report of the 2006 Kansas Archeology Training Program Field School" The Kansas Anthropologist 33; Clint Thomas (2012) "A Demonstration of Primitive Archery for the 2006 KATP Field School" The Kansas Anthropologist 26:13-20.

2005- Sherman County, Kanorado Locality (14SN101, 105, 106)

  • The 2005 KATP field school, June 4-19, concentrated on three sites that make up the Kanorado locality, which represents short-term campsites of nomadic Paleoindian hunters.

  • Large numbers of artifacts were not expected, but still a few specimens were recovered, including hide scrapers, stone flakes, an incised piece of hematite that might be a bead, and fragments of bone from extinct mammoth, camel, and bison. The Kanorado locality is significant because it represents the first recorded in situ Folsom and Clovis-age cultural deposits in the Kansas/Nebraska region. It also may have a pre-Clovis archeological component and, therefore, may shed light on the timing of human entry into the Great Plains.

  • Fifty-four of the 111 volunteers were new to the program. A total of 5,423 person-hours were donated in the field, laboratory, and classes, bringing the KATP’s contribution to the study of Kansas archeology to 144,192 hours over its 30-year history.

  • Archeology training programReported in: Rolfe D. Mandel, Jack L. Hofman, Steven Holen, and Jeannette M. Blackmar (2004) Buried Paleo-Indian Landscapes and Sites on the High Plains of Northwestern Kansas Field Guide, Geological Society of America;Rolfe D. Mandel and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2005) “Westward Ho to Kanorado!” Kansas Preservation 27(1):1, 13-15; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2005) “KATP Field School at Kanorado” Kansas Preservation 27(4):1, 11-16; Mary Conrad (2005) various articles KAA Newsletter 17(3):12-17; Rolfe D. Mandel and Steve Holen (2005) “Field School at Kanorado Yields Preliminary Interpretations” Kansas Preservation 27(5):13-15; Rolfe D. Mandel, Steven Holen, and Jack L. Hofman (2005) "Geoarchaeology of Clovis and Possible Pre-Clovis Cultural Deposits at the Kanorado Locality, Northwestern Kansas" Current Research in the Pleistocene 22:56; Arlo McKee (2009) The Application of Ground Penetrating Radar at the Kanorado Locality, Northwest Kansas MA Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence

Continue to 2004-1995