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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Winter 1955

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Winter 1955

Volume 21

Winter 1955, Number 8


Cover and contents

Merrill J. Mattes, intro., "Patrolling the Santa Fe Trail: Reminiscences of John S. Kirwin," p. 569. (Volunteers: Larry & Carolyn Mix) | PDF Version

John Clifford, "Range Ballads," p. 588.

James C. Malin, "Notes on the Writing of General Histories of Kansas—The 'Vanity' Histories,"(Volunteer: John K. Matthews) (concluding article of series), p. 598. | PDF Version

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 644.

Kansas History as Reported in the Press, p. 646.

Kansas Historical Notes, p. 647.

Errata and Addenda, p. 650.

Volume 21 Index, p. 651.


The Cover

Forest Avenue (now Broadway) in Parsons on August 4, 1873, as sketched by Jules Tavernier. Parsons was then about three years old. The original picture, in water colors, is owned by the Kansas State Historical Society. For biographical information on Tavenier see The Kasnas Historical Quarterly, v. 14, pp. 1-34.