Kansas Quilt research
Kansas Quilt Project: Documenting Quilts and Quiltmakers
Manuscript Collection 207
This was a project that began on Kansas' 125th anniversary in 1986 to document historic Kansas quilts. Nearly 13,000 quilts were documented from all over Kansas. Many of the quilts were also photographed. The spring 1990 issue of Kansas History magazine was devoted to the project symposium. View photos and information about 309 of the quilts in the Quilt Index. Get additional information about the collection.
This index is arranged alphabetically by the quilt owner's last name. The fields included are:
IDNUM=Quilt ID Number; QONAMEF & QONAMELA=Quilt owners name; QOCITY & QOSTATE=Quilt owners hometown; FIRSTNM & LASTNM=Quilters' name; CITY & CO & ST=Quilters hometown, county & state; DATEMEN=Possible date of quilt; PHOTOS=Whether photographs were taken of the quilt. There is more information about the quilts in this collection. Please contact our reference staff for information about the photos or other assistance.
A | B | C | D-E | F-G | H | I-J-K |
L | M | N-O-P | Q-R | S | T-U-V | W-X-Y-Z |