Kansas Territory Traveling Trunk
Teaching Manual
Lessons and activities in the trunk are directed at a seventh and eighth audience, although the information and materials included in the trunk can be adapted for use with other ages. Standards are included with each lesson. Worksheets, photographs, and other materials needed to teach the lessons are not included in this online version of the manual.
Background to Territorial Kansas' History
Lesson 1: Kansas Territory Timeline
Create a wall-sized timeline to learn about the major events that occurred in Kansas Territory and make cause-and-effect connections between the events and the debate over slavery.
Lesson 2: Kansas Territory Matrix
Explore Kansas Territory through the groups of settlers who moved there. The name “Bleeding Kansas” was inspired by the conflict among these people. Use primary source materials and reproduction objects to complete a graphic organizer identifying the motivations behind the different groups of settlers.
Lesson 3: Propaganda in the Territory
Read primary documents to learn about differing opinions in the debate over slavery. Examine reproduction objects to determine how/if they were used as a form of propaganda.
Learn about the physical history of Kansas Territory through reproduction objects included in the trunk.
Lesson 5: Bleeding Kansas Bingo
Review Kansas Territory groups, objects, topics and people by playing a custom bingo game.
Read Kansas! M-11: Dispute over Slavery in Kansas Territory
Use primary sources to understand the views of proslavery and antislavery settlers.
Read Kansas! M-14: Territorial Characters
Become familiar with some of the people who lived in Kansas Territory.