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Land Survey Records

As of April 1st, 2024, we have stopped accepting credit cards for payment of filing fees only for land survey. This is due to various difficulties we have encountered with trying to keep track of documents while waiting to contact surveyors, as well as general staffing issues with the Land Survey Program. Please pay by check or money order when submitting new reports.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Reports are stored in paper format only and are not available online at this time. They can be requested for a fee and will be pulled, scanned, and emailed to you. Orders will be filled as quickly as possible. Please send a list of which reports you need with the relevant information to kshs.landsurvey@ks.gov if you are a land surveyor. An invoice for your filled request will follow a few days later and is payable by check or money order.

View an index map showing the number of reports filed on each corner in a township:


Search for land survey corner reference reports by filling in one or more of the following:

Surveyor Reg. No.:
Which Records? All records
Latest only [Only show the most recent report for each corner.]
Two most recent reports for each corner
Three most recent reports for each corner
Date Range (years): to
Sort by? Corner Date Suffix

More than one corner, section, and/or suffix may be entered, separated by commas (example: 07E,18E, 23V). This database also contains information filed on something other than a corner. The following abbreviations apply to these special reports: IND=Indian, SPC=special, LOT=lot, AGR=agreement corner, and POT=Mile post.

A map showing a corner shared by four townshipsFinding Reports for Corners On Shared Township and Range Lines

The index map search will show corner reports shared by more than one township, but the corner reference reports database does not cross-search shared corners. If the number of reports shown on the index map search does not match the number of reference reports listed for that corner, you will need to search the adjoining townships to find the other reports; e.g., to find all the reports for the corner pictured below, you need to perform 4 searches:

  • Range 01E, Township 01S, Section 36, Corner 25Z
  • Range 01E, Township 02S, Section 01, Corner 25A
  • Range 02E, Township 01S, Section 31, Corner 01Z
  • Range 02E, Township 02S, Section 06, Corner 01A


Ordering Copies of Survey Corner Reference Reports

To request copies of one or more reports, please contact our staff at kshs.landsurvey@ks.gov or 785-272-8681, ext. 254. Please provide the following information to staff to aid us in filling your request:

  • Your name, address, telephone, fax number, e-mail address AND
  • If you need the whole section, provide county name, section number, township number and direction (N or S), and range number and direction (E or W)
  • If you need a specific corner, provide county name, corner designation, section, township number and direction, and range number and direction.
  • If you need a specific report, provide the county, the suffix number, section, township number and direction, and range number and direction.
  • Please specify whether you want the copies e-mailed, faxed or mailed to you.
Order Fees:  
Corner Reports $10 fee plus copy charges for up to 3 sections requested.
  $5 fee plus copy charges for each additional section requested
Maps and field notes $15 fee plus copy charges for each section requested
Copy charges $1/page, in addition to the fees above
Fax charges $1/page, in addition to the fees above
GLO plats and notes $15/section, $1/copy (Full CD sets available through the Kansas Society of Land Surveyors)
Filing Fees:  
  $4 for each Survey Corner Reference Report
  $4 for each Notice of Endangerment Activity

Land Survey Corner Report Forms

A separate report form must be submitted for each corner. Download blank report form:

Laws governing Land Survey records are published in the Kansas Statutes, chapter 58, article 2011. Regulations for the Land Survey program are published in the Kansas Administrative Regulations (KAR). The Kansas Society of Land Surveyors website has additional information about Kansas land survey laws.

Current fees for filing reports are published in the KAR, chapter 118, article 4-1 through 4-4.

Map of Kansas showing range and township divisions