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Read Kansas! Primary - P-01 Living in Kansas Today

This kindergarten lesson helps students recognize differences between rural and urban environments. Students “read” photographs to identify differences between living on a farm and living in a city. It can be completed in three class periods. Select each image to see a PDF with the front and back of each card.

P - 1 Living in Kansas Today P - 1 Living in Kansas Today
Spanish translation      mp3 audio Spanish translation      mp3 audio
P  - 1 Living in Kansas Today P - 1 Living in Kansas Today
Spanish translation      mp3 audio Spanish translation      mp3 audio
P - 1 Living in Kansas Today P -1 Living in Kansas Today
Spanish translation      mp3 audio Spanish translation      mp3 audio
P - 1 Living in Kansas Today P - 1 Living in Kansas Today
Spanish translation      mp3 audio Spanish translation      mp3 audio

Lesson plan

Spanish translations for each card have been provided by students in the Spanish classes of Roberto Barrera, Fredonia High School. 

Kansas History, Government and Social Studies Standards

Standard #5: Relationships among people, places, ideas, and environments are dynamic

  • 5.1:  The student will recognize and evaluate dynamic relationships that impact lives in communities, states, and nations.

Kansas College and Career Ready Standards:

  • RF.K.1:  The student demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print. d. Recognizes and names all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
  • RF.K.3.a: The student knows and applies grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. a. Demonstrates basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant.
  • RI.K.3:  The student with prompting and support, describes the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.