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Read Kansas! Primary - P-12 Immigration: Marijana's Story

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce second graders the idea of immigration, which is basic knowledge needed to study history and geography at more advanced levels. The students will read a story about a Croatian immigrant community in Kansas. They will answer basic questions that will aid in the understanding of this concept, and they will write a caption for an illustration that includes feelings and thoughts about the topic. The lesson is divided into two parts with the possibility of an extended activity but can be adjusted to meet individual classroom needs.

P - 12 Immigration:  Marijana's Story
Spanish translation      mp3 audio

Lesson plan

Spanish translations for each card have been provided by students in the Spanish classes of Roberto Barrera, Fredonia High School.

To view a PDF of the front and back of the card, click on the image.

Kansas History, Government and Social Studies Standards:

Standard #1: Choices have consequences.

  • 1.2: The student will analyze the context under which choices are made and draw conclusions about the motivations and goals of the decision-makers.

Standard #4: Societies experience continuity and change over time

  • 4.1: The student will recognize and evaluate continuity and change over time and its impact on individuals, institutions, communities, states, and nations.

Kansas College and Career Ready Standards

  • RI 2.1: The student will ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

  • RI.2.7: The student explains how specific images contribute to and clarify a text.

  • SL 2.1: The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

For an additional activity visit the online exhibit Marijana: My The People's Painter.