Notable Kansans
Topeka West Oral History Collection From 1976 to 1984, students at Topeka West High School collected oral histories from many prominent Kansans.
- Elam Bartholomew view the diaries of this internationally known horticulturalist on Kansas Memory.
- Wes and Dana Jackson founders of The Land Institute, a center for research in alternative agriculture.
- Menninger Family pioneers in the field of psychiatry
- Dr. John R. Brinkley a pioneer in both medicine and radio broadcasting
- Albin Kasper Longren first Kansan to successfully build and fly an airplane
- Kansas Governors' records
- Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum Baker one of the first women elected to the U.S. Senate
- Senator & Vice-President Charles Curtis our only Native American vice-president
- Arthur Capper newspaper publisher, Kansas governor and U.S. Senator from 1919 to 1949
- Senator William Alfred Peffer Populist leader
- Interview with Oren Crowe a member of the 1931 Haskell University football team
- Glenn Cunningham Olympic runner
- Major General Frederick Funston hero of the Spanish American War
Writers & Artists
- John Steuart Curry painter of the murals in the Kansas Statehouse
- Charles R. Sheldon author of In His Steps who posed the question, "What would Jesus do?"
- Henry Worrall famous illustrator and composer of guitar music