Steamboats in Kansas Bibliography
Berland, Maurine. "Hays Citians Enjoyed Steamboat Rides on Big Creek in '70s Before Dam Broke," Hays Daily News, Sept. 8, 1957.
Boder, Bartlett. "Steamboats," Museum Graphic, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter 1952.
Bailey, Lawrence. "Trip on Steamer Lightfoot, Wyandotte to Lawrence, 1857," In Border Ruffian Troubles in Kansas, n.p. 1899.
Chappell, P.E. "The First Steamboat on the Missouri," Kansas Historical Collections, Vol. 9
Deatherage, C.P. "Kansas River Steamboats," In Early History of Greater Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas, Vol. 1, n.p., 1927.
Dick, E.N. Vanguards of the Frontier, n.p., 1941.
"Excursion Up the Nemaha," Weekly Kansas Chief, Nov. 23, 1893
Hess, Will. "Riverboat Steaming Waters of Reservoir," Lawrence Journal-World, Dec. 2, 1967.
Howes, Cecil. "This Month in Kansas History: Kaw River Steamers," Kansas Teacher, Vol. 50, No. 9, May 1942.
"List of Steamboats on the Missouri River in the '50's," Kansas Historical Collections, Vol. 7.
"Steamboat Once Cruised Along Cottonwood River," Emporia Gazette, April 10, 1956.
Thomas, James H. "Account of Early Steamboat Traffic on the Arkansas River," Kansas History, Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer 1979.