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Tip 4: Newspapers

Family history tip fourNewspapers can provide invaluable insights into family life. Events such as births, deaths, engagements, and marriages might be listed, as well as family gatherings and visits.

The Kansas Historical Society was founded by Kansas newspaper editors and has an almost comprehensive collection of newspapers, most of which is on microfilm.

  • Find a list of Kansas newspapers: kshs.org/11528
  • Make note of the date spans and microfilm numbers
  • Plan a visit to the State Archives to search microfilm kshs.org/15948

The Historical Society contributes to Chronicling America to make certain titles available online. Even more are being added.

  • chroniclingamerica.loc.gov The newspapers were digitized with funding received from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP)

The Historical Society collections also include specific subject newspapers. Find lists and descriptions:

Tip 1: Gathering information

Tip 2: Searching Census

Tip 3: Searching vital records

Tip 5: Were they really orphans?

Tip 6: Kansas Plat Atlas