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Kansas Records Retention Schedules

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Agency Code: 000-111 (Local Government Records. Health Department)

Page 1 of 1 showing 16 records of 16 total, starting on record 1

Agency Number: 000-111
Local Government Records
Health Department

SERIES ID 0002-111 
TITLE Adult and Child Care Licensing and Registration Records 
DESCRIPTION Records of registration and inspection of care facilities for both children and adults. May include license cards, facility files, and facility assessments. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain 5 years after close of facility, then destroy. 
APPROVED 1999-07-08 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-120 

SERIES ID 0010-111 
TITLE Child Care Facility Complaints and Reports of Investigation Files 
DESCRIPTION Documents relating to complaints lodged against child care facilities including reports of confirmed child abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse. 
RETENTION 3 fiscal years 
COMMENTS Reports involving confirmed child abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse complaints are sent to KDHE. 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(11) 
APPROVED 2008-07-17 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-156 

SERIES ID 0001-111 
TITLE Client Records 
DESCRIPTION Medical records, including laboratory reports, of persons treated in local health care facilities. Includes adult and child health, family planning, maternal health, mental health and primary care. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain 10 years after last contact, then destroy. (For juvenile records, retain 10 years after last contact or until 21st birthday, whichever is later, then destroy.) 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 45-221(a)(3) 
APPROVED 2008-07-17 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-156 

SERIES ID 0003-111 
TITLE Communicable Disease Records 
DESCRIPTION Records and supporting documentation relating to communicable diseases in individual clients. May include name, address, disease type, when and how contracted and treatment measures. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS If not treated, retain 2 calendar years, then destroy. If treated, retain 10 calendar years. (For juveniles, retain 10 years or until 21st birthday, whichever is later.) 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 45-221(a)(3) 
APPROVED 2008-07-17 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-156 

SERIES ID 0011-111 
TITLE Consent for the Release of Confidential Information Forms 
DESCRIPTION Files relating to optional educational programs offered upon a patient's discharge, consisting solely of contact information (name, address and phone) and whether or not the patient opted to accept services. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 65-5602 & 45-221(a)(3) 
APPROVED 2008-07-17 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-156 

SERIES ID 0240-000 
TITLE Credentialing Documentation  
DESCRIPTION Documents relating to employee and contractors credentialing process. The records establish that the applicants required qualifications to practice in the state of Kansas have been met or are in the process. Documents may include correspondence, evaluations and credentials added during time of employment in addition to proof of academic diplomas and other certifications, regardless of form or format. 
RETENTION See comments 
COMMENTS Retain until practitioner terminates employment plus 21 calendar years 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(4) 
APPROVED 2016-10-20 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-193 

SERIES ID 0013-111 
TITLE HIPAA Complaint Records 
DESCRIPTION Consists of "Protected Health Information Handling Complaint Form" (or similar content) submitted to employee(s) serving as HIPAA Privacy Officer(s), associated correspondence and other associated records documenting complaints, investigations of complaints and responses to complaints. 
RETENTION 6 calendar years 
COMMENTS Maintained by HIPAA Privacy Officer(s). 
RESTRICTIONS Maintain confidentially, consistent with HIPAA Privacy Rule, Kansas statutes and any other applicable regulations. 
APPROVED 2010-04-08 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-163 

SERIES ID 0014-111 
TITLE HIPAA Compliance Records 
DESCRIPTION Records created to comply with requirements of the Federal Health Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) or created to document compliance with the Privacy Rule of the Act, which regulates treatment of Protected Health Information (PHI). Some or all of the documents in this records series may be filed within Client Charts (and considered part of that records series), may be filed separately, or may be maintained in duplicates to copies filed as part of Client Charts. Examples of documents in this series may include, but are not limited to, "Acknowledgment of Notice of Privacy Practices," "Documentation of Good Faith Efforts," "Client Request to Access Protected Health Information," "Client Approval to Access Protected Health Information." 
RETENTION 6 calendar years 
COMMENTS When Client Chart files are maintained, all HIPAA compliance records may be filed in charts of individual clients. In some cases, charts may not be created or duplicate documents may be maintained by employee(s) serving as HIPAA Privacy Officer(s) for compliance purposes. 
RESTRICTIONS Maintain confidentially, consistent with HIPAA Privacy Rule, Kansas statutes and any other applicable regulations. 
APPROVED 2010-04-08 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-163 

SERIES ID 0004-111 
TITLE Immunization Consent Forms 
DESCRIPTION Contains name, date, age, immunization type and consent form. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain 20 calendar years after contact, then destroy. 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 45-221(a)(3) 
APPROVED 1999-07-08 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-120 

SERIES ID 0012-111 
TITLE Lab Reporting Ledger 
DESCRIPTION Nurses' daily sheets, containing information on lab tests, kept mostly to ensure oversight and accountability. Information is duplicated in client's individual files. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 65-5602 & 45-221(a)(3) 
APPROVED 2008-07-17 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-156 

SERIES ID 0005-111 
TITLE Reports to the State Department of Health and Environment 
DESCRIPTION Reports and supporting documentation regarding activity of, and surveillance on, communicable and venereal diseases in the county. 
RETENTION 005 cldr yrs 
APPROVED 1999-07-08 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-120 

SERIES ID 0006-111 
TITLE Tuberculosis Records 
DESCRIPTION Records and supporting documentation relating to cases of Tuberculosis in individual clients. May include name, address, disease type, x-rays, when contracted and treatment measures. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS If not treated, retain 2 calendar years, then destroy. If treated, retain 10 calendar years. (For juveniles, retain 10 years or until 21st birthday, whichever is later.) If client information is needed beyond the standard retention periods listed above, it can be obtained from KDHE's Bureau of Disease Control. 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 45-221(a)(3) 
APPROVED 2008-07-17 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-156 

SERIES ID 0241-000 
TITLE Utilization Review (UR) Forms 
DESCRIPTION Utilization Review documents initial and 90-day peer review processes necessary for Community Mental Health Centers licensing. Utilization Reviews are performed on patient records to assure that services are appropriate and necessary and that staff and resources are allocated appropriately. Documents are also reviewed to see if treatment plans are appropriate and if other services might also be utilized. UR feedback sheets and logs also document whether or not a case should be closed due to lack of activity. Utilization Reviews are performed monthly. 
RETENTION 006 cld years 
COMMENTS Utilization Review (UR) documents initial and 90-day peer review pursuant to KSA 65-4915. KAR 30-60-57 for Community Mental Health Centers requires that URs be maintained for five years. Community Mental Health Center (CHMC) licensing requirements 30-60-57 requires these documents. These records contain protected health information (PHI). This record may be in either paper or electronic form and records include UR feedback sheets and logs. 
RESTRICTIONS 45-221(a)(1)(3), & HIPAA Privacy Rule, 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164. 
APPROVED 2016-10-20 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-193 

SERIES ID 0007-111 
TITLE Venereal Disease Records 
DESCRIPTION Records and supporting documentation relating to venereal diseases in individual clients. May include name, address, disease types, when contracted and treatment measures. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS If not treated, retain 2 calendar years, then destroy. If treated, retain 10 calendar years. (For juveniles, retain 10 years or until 21st birthday, whichever is later.) If client information is needed beyond the standard retention periods listed above, it can be obtained from KDHE's Bureau of Disease Control. 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 45-221(a)(3) 
APPROVED 2008-07-17 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-156 

SERIES ID 0008-111 
TITLE Women, Infant, and Children Program Case Files 
DESCRIPTION All records and supporting documents that combine to create a case file. May include name, address, and income of recipient, correspondence, eligibility information, applications, voucher redemption information, etc. 
RETENTION 004 fisc yrs 
COMMENTS Current federal fiscal year plus prior three fiscal years. 
RESTRICTIONS Portions may be restricted. 
APPROVED 1999-07-08 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-120 

SERIES ID 0009-111 
TITLE Women, Infant, and Children Program Records 
DESCRIPTION Documents pertaining to the operation of this grant program, including program statistics, lists of participants, visit logs, certification/eligibility documents, terminations records, vendor contracts, etc. 
RETENTION 004 fisc yrs 
COMMENTS Current federal fiscal year plus prior three fiscal years. 
RESTRICTIONS Portions may be restricted. 
APPROVED 1999-07-08 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-120 

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