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Kansas Records Retention Schedules

Results of Query:

Agency Code: 082-003 (Office of the Attorney General. Civil Division)

Page 1 of 1 showing 3 records of 3 total, starting on record 1

Agency Number: 082-003
Office of the Attorney General
Civil Division

SERIES ID 0219-082 
TITLE Bankruptcy Notices, Filings and Orders  
DESCRIPTION Records may include copies of bankruptcy notices, petitions, schedules, motions, orders, and other related bankruptcy filings served by mail, facsimile, or email on the State of Kansas, its agencies or the Attorney General. 
RETENTION See comments 
COMMENTS Records are assessed to determine if the State has an interest in the bankruptcy proceedings. Retain notices/filings/orders where there is no known state interest until the bankruptcy case is closed, then destroy when no longer useful. Original bankruptcy notices/filings/orders that have or may have an identified state interest involving another state agency are forwarded to the relevant state agency for handling and are maintained under that agency's retention and disposition schedule or the relevant general retention and disposition schedule entry. Correspondence concerning the forwarded records is Routine Correspondence, 0044-082, and follows that retention and disposition. Notices/filings/orders involving an identified state interest may also be accepted for representation by the Attorney General's office; these records become Case Files, 0172-082, and follow that schedule entry. 
DISPOSITION See comments 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(1), (3), (14), (30), KSA 75-3520 
APPROVED 2013-07-18 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-177 

Agency Number: 082-003
Office of the Attorney General
Civil Division
Open Government Enforcement Unit

SERIES ID 0191-082 
TITLE Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA) and Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) Enforcement Files 
DESCRIPTION Complaint forms, correspondence, notes, research, consent orders, findings of violation, consent judgments, and other supporting documents related to the agency's investigation and enforcement of these Acts. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Record copy may be paper or electronic. Paper documents are scanned into system and paper is retained until quality assurance is performed, then destroyed. Materials, including records obtained from others, may be returned to their source or otherwise disposed of in accordance with court order, court rule, or agreement. Retain permanently remaining paper records and materials, as well as digital images in system, that involve enforcement actions. Retain all other enforcement files for 5 calendar years, then destroy. 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(11)(14)(20)(25)(30), 45-228(b) 
APPROVED 2022-02-03 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-212 

Agency Number: 082-003
Office of the Attorney General
Civil Division
Tobacco Enforcement Unit

SERIES ID 0209-082 
TITLE Tobacco Files 
DESCRIPTION Records relating to enforcement of the terms of the Master Settlement Agreement pursuant to K.S.A. 50-6a01 et seq. including escrow agreements, escrow bank statements, certification forms, testing documents, trademark information, federal compliance information, packaging samples, company organizational documents, corporate surety bonds, correspondence. Records also include other tobacco related issues (e.g. underage sales prevention and enforcement; consumer claims). 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Record copy may be paper or electronic. Paper documents are scanned into system and paper is retained until quality assurance is performed, then destroyed. Materials, including records obtained from others, may be returned to their source or otherwise disposed of in accordance with court order, court rule, or agreement. Retain remaining paper records and materials, as well as digital images in system for 30 calendar years, then destroy. 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(1)(11)(14)(20) 
APPROVED 2022-07-21 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-214 

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