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Kansas Records Retention Schedules

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Agency Code: 082-009 (Office of the Attorney General. Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Division)

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Agency Number: 082-009
Office of the Attorney General
Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Division

SERIES ID 0174-082 
TITLE Assessment Files 
DESCRIPTION Interviews, reports, correspondence, notes, legal documents, etc., regarding investigations that did not result in formal cases. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Record copy may be paper or electronic. Paper documents are scanned into system and paper is retained until quality assurance is performed. Materials, including records obtained from others, may be returned to their source or otherwise disposed of in accordance with a court order, court rule, or agreement. Retain remaining paper records and materials, as well as digital images in system, until investigation is inactive plus 5 calendar years, then destroy unless requested by a law enforcement agency or federal agency. 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(1)(2)(3)(5)(10)(11)(14)(20)(25)(30) 
APPROVED 2022-10-20 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-215 

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