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Kansas Records Retention Schedules

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Agency Code: 105 (State Board of Healing Arts. )

Page 1 of 1 showing 10 records of 10 total, starting on record 1

Agency Number: 105-001
State Board of Healing Arts

SERIES ID 0008-105 
TITLE Equal Employment Opportunity Plans 
DESCRIPTION Documents related to agency compliance with laws and regulations concerning equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and other civil rights issues. 
RETENTION 005 cldr yrs 
APPROVED 1989-01-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-077 

SERIES ID 0012-105 
TITLE Inter-State Survey Records 
DESCRIPTION Documents related to requests and replies to and from other states' medical licensing agencies for information: correspondence, survey forms, publications, etc. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. 
APPROVED 1989-01-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-077 

SERIES ID 0013-105 
TITLE Investigative Case Files 
DESCRIPTION Documents relating to investigations conducted by the Board of Healing Arts staff. Includes complaints, investigative reports, patient records, risk management and peer review records, attorney work product and other information created or received in the course of an agency investigation. 
RETENTION 010 fisc yrs after case is closed 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), (9), (10), (11), (25), (30), (35), KSA 65-2839a, K.S.A. 65-2898a, K.S.A. 65-4915, K.S.A. 65-4925, 42 CFR Part II 
APPROVED 2015-03-26  ; Revised 2015-03-29
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-184 

SERIES ID 0022-105 
TITLE Physician Profiles 
DESCRIPTION Records used to track occurrences of alleged or proven misconduct by individual medical practitioners - includes completed forms, malpractice petitions, copies of legal documents, correspondence, etc. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. These records are used in the evaluation of whether or not to begin an investigation of a healing arts practitioner. 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(11) 
APPROVED 2013-10-24 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-178 

SERIES ID 0023-105 
TITLE Professional Association Files 
DESCRIPTION Copies of documents concerning the verification of doctors' licenses to practice created - originals supplied to the Secretary of State as part of the registration of 'professional associations.' 
RETENTION 001 cldr yr 
APPROVED 1989-01-26 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-077 

Agency Number: 105-001
State Board of Healing Arts

SERIES ID 0011-105 
TITLE Insurance Termination Notices and Correspondence 
DESCRIPTION Documents received by the agency giving notice of the termination of medical malpractice insurance for individual medical practitioners. 
RETENTION 005 cld years 
APPROVED 2016-10-20 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-193 

SERIES ID 0024-105 
TITLE License Renewal Records 
DESCRIPTION Completed applications and other documents related to the periodic renewal of individual licenses to practice the various professions regulated by the Kansas Board of Healing Arts. Includes renewal audit checks. 
RETENTION 007 cldr yrs 
RESTRICTIONS KSA 45-221(a)(1), (3), (6), 42 CFR Part II, KSA 65-4915, KSA 65-4925 
APPROVED 2016-10-20 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-193 

SERIES ID 0015-105 
TITLE License Verification 
DESCRIPTION Requests by other states, agencies, the federal government, and organizations for verification of the validity and currency of licenses held by individual Kansas practitioners. 
RETENTION 006 months 
APPROVED 2016-10-20 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-193 

SERIES ID 0017-105 
TITLE Licensing Files 
DESCRIPTION Records related to the examination and licensing of individual practitioners licensed by the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts: correspondence, copies of transcripts/diplomas, applications, and other materials. Applications for licensure and reinstatement of professional licenses submitted by an applicant but not completed as submitted shall be deemed abandoned after a period of 6 months from the date of initial application for licensure and reinstatement. 
RETENTION 040 cld years 
COMMENTS For the period prior to 1990 the majority of the licensing files will be maintained in a paper format. Subsequent to 1990 all licensing files should be in electronic format. Abandoned applications shall be retained for 6 months and then destroyed. 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 45-221(a)(1)(3)(6)(9)(14)(30), KSA 75-3520, 5 USC Sec. 552a, 42 CFR Part II, K.S.A. 65-4915, K.S.A. 65-4925 
APPROVED 2024-07-18 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-222 

SERIES ID 0027-105 
TITLE Practice Protocols, Drug Prescription Protocols and Active Practice Request Forms 
DESCRIPTION Agreements between practitioners regarding the delegation of drug prescribing, authorized practice and supervising practitioners.  
RETENTION 040 cldr years 
COMMENTS For the period prior to 1990 the majority of the records will be maintained in a paper format. Subsequent to 1990 all records should be in electronic format.  
APPROVED 2016-10-20 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-193 

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