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Kansas Records Retention Schedules

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Agency Code: 276-012 (Kansas Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Planning)
Subagency: Traffic and Field Operations

Page 1 of 1 showing 2 records of 2 total, starting on record 1

Agency Number: 276-012
Kansas Department of Transportation
Bureau of Transportation Planning
Bureau of Transportation Planning
Traffic and Field Operations Unit

The Bureau of Transportation Planning is part of KDOT's Division of Planning and Development (276-013).

SERIES ID 0125-276 
TITLE Traffic Data Collection System 
DESCRIPTION Software system that processes, analyzes, and reports on all traffic data. It is a comprehensive system performing traffic data polling management, site management, quality control, summarization, faster calculation, average annual daily traffic estimation, reporting, and database management. It analyzes a wide range of traffic data types including traffic volume, vehicle classification, speed, weight, and lane occupancy. 
RETENTION Permanent 
APPROVED 2008-04-24 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-155 

Agency Number: 276-012
Kansas Department of Transportation
Bureau of Transportation Planning
Traffic and Field Operations

The Bureau of Transportation Planning is part of KDOT's Division of Planning and Development (276-013).

SERIES ID 0135-276 
TITLE Digital Videolog 
DESCRIPTION Electronic images, along with location and travel data relevant to the image and conditions, of the KDOT maintained roadway system. The images provide a driver's-eye view, recorded at preset intervals from mounted vehicle cameras, to support various virtual windshield surveys, roadway environment photos, and generates several other incidental KDOT-wide products used to provide a historical perspective of how the roadway looked in the past. The entire roadway system is surveyed every three years with one-third of the state surveyed annually. A back-up is made annually after updates. 
RETENTION See Comments 
COMMENTS Permanent; when annual back-up is made transfer convenience copy of the retired (older than six years) data to the State Archives. Access to records (whether in the agency or the State Archives) by the public or other agencies will be processed by KDOT Office of Chief Counsel following KORA guidelines. 
RESTRICTIONS K.S.A. 45-221(a)(12)(45) 
APPROVED 2011-04-28 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-167 

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