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Kansas Records Retention Schedules

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Agency Code: 276-020 (Kansas Department of Transportation. Bureau of Fiscal Services)

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Agency Number: 276-020
Kansas Department of Transportation
Bureau of Fiscal Services
Federal Aid

The Bureau of Fiscal Services is part of KDOT's Division of Administration (276-003).

SERIES ID 0142-276 
TITLE Federal Aid Billing 
DESCRIPTION Computer-generated report of federally funded projects documenting federal participation, cost-to-date, and amount billed to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), saved to the storage area network (SAN) and copied to CD. Printed copies are made for convenience. 
RETENTION See comments. 
COMMENTS Retain printed copy of current year and 1 year prior, then destroy. CDs retained for five years from date of billing, then destroy. SAN backup is retained for five years from date of billing, then destroyed. CD is official record copy. Prior to scanning to CD, Federal Aid Billing was stored on micromedia, now obsolete--destroy immediately. 
APPROVED 2012-01-19 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-170 

SERIES ID 0143-276 
TITLE Obligation records 
DESCRIPTION Computer-generated reports, posting sheets, and other related reports and records documenting obligation authority for local, state, and federal funds for highway projects. 
RETENTION Retain three years, then destroy. 
COMMENTS OBSOLETE SERIES. Destroy immediately. 
APPROVED 2012-01-19 
K.A.R. NUMBER 53-2-170 

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