William Clark Papers
Results of Query:
Keyword: Ottawa
Dates: From 1808 to 1884
Sorted: By date
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Title: Letter from Asst. Ind Agt (Anthony L Davis) To S.I.A.St.L. (William Clark)
Date: 1837-01-26
Volume: G Page: 37 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): Anthony L Davis (Asst. Indian Agent);
Recipient(s): William Clark (S.I.A.St. L.);
Contents: Reports much sickness among Potawatomie, Ottawa, & Chipewa Indians, and lack of medical care due to the distance from medical facilities. Advocates the hiring of a physician to live "amongst" them.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter from Indian Sub Agent near Ft. Leavenworth (Edwin James) To S.I.A.St.L. (William Clark)
Date: 1837-06-27
Volume: G Page: 47 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): Edwin James (Indian Sub Agent near Ft. Leavenworth);
Recipient(s): William Clark (S.I.A.St.L.);
Contents: James states that the Potawatomies being removed from the "Platte Purchase" to their new location are in need of, and are entitled to subsistence for the period of one year from the time they arrive. Speaks about the Indians bartering their horses & supplies for whiskey. Discusses the Sioux threat to carry on war with the Pottawatomies when they arrive in their new lands; asks for govt. protection for these Indians.
Description: Copy of letter. 3p.
Title: Letter from Ind Sub Agt, Council Bluffs (Edwin James) To S.I.A.St.L. (William Clark)
Date: 1837-12-18
Volume: G Page: 74 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): Edwin James (Ind Sub Agt, Council Bluffs);
Recipient(s): William Clark (S.I.A.St.L.);
Contents: Reports that in council the United Nation of Chippewas, Ottawas, & Potawatomies now resident in the Council Bluffs sub agency do not wish to move south to the Osage River; they are still waiting for the fulfillment of promises made to them in the Chicago Treaty, at Tippecanoe, and in Washington.
Description: Copy of letter. 3p.
Title: Letter from Ind Sub Agt, Osage River Sub Agcy (A. L. Davis) To S.I.A.St.L. (William Clark)
Date: 1838-01-26
Volume: G Page: 91 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): A. L. Davis (Ind Sub Agt, Osage River Sub Agcy);
Recipient(s): William Clark (S.I.A.St.L.);
Contents: Asks for farming implements. Reports that the Ottawas have erected comfortable cabins and are interested in farming.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter from S.I.A.St.L. (William Clark) To Principal Chief of the Pottawatomies (Capt. B. Caldwell)
Date: 1838-03-14
Volume: G Page: 98 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): William Clark (S.I.A.St.L.);
Recipient(s): Capt. B. Caldwell (Principal Chief of the Pottawatomies);
Contents: Encloses a copy of a letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs which answers Caldwell's communication of Nov. 22.
Description: Copy of letter. 2p.
Title: Letter from Wah-bon-seh To Com. Ind. Affs. (C. A. Harris)
Date: 1838-03-17
Volume: G Page: 145 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): D. Hardin (Farmer for Pottawatomies) witness; Edwin James (Ind Sub Agt.) witness; Wah-bon-seh;
Recipient(s): C. A. Harris (Com Ind Affs, Washington);
Contents: Wants to sell his reservation of five sections of land in Illinois to the U. S. government. Asks $1.25 per acre. States whites have already taken possession and he cannot get them off.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Comments: There was a chief of the Pottawatomies after whom Wabaunsee County was named. Correlation with the author of this letter is uncertain. (also see letter of 12/20/1838 from Jno Dougherty to Geo Maguire.
Title: Letter from Indian Agent (Jno Dougherty) To S.I.A.St.L. (William Clark)
Date: 1838-05-31
Volume: G Page: 121 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): Jno Dougherty (Indian Agent);
Recipient(s): William Clark (S.I.A.St.L.);
Contents: Acknowledges receipt of Clark's letter regarding the resolution by the House of Representatives of 3/19/1838. Dougherty reports having spoken with Billy Caldwell, one of the Pottawatomie chiefs about the potential for war between the Sacs & the Sioux. He stated there was nothing to it, and that all the Indians of the Northwestern Frontier would be united by the British Government to make war against the United States.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter from Indian Agent (John Dougherty) To S.I.A.St.L. (William Clark)
Date: 1838-05-31
Volume: G Page: 125 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): Jno Dougherty (Indian Agent);
Recipient(s): William Clark (S.I.A.St.L.);
Contents: Reports that the Indians who made threats concerning the boat belonging to the American Fur Co. reside far above the tribes of Dougherty's agency. Also mentions he has heard Caldwell talk many times about the government's promise to the Pottawatomies for a military post; they appear quite pleased about it.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter from Indian Sub Agent, Osage River (A. L. Davis) To S.I.A.St.L. (William Clark)
Date: 1838-09-11
Volume: G Page: 136 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): A. L. Davis (Ind Sub Agt, Osage River);
Recipient(s): William Clark (S.I.A.St.L.);
Contents: Discusses Clark's letter of the 25th ulto which included a register of debts of the Pottawatomies. Arranging this will be difficult as some of the Indians had nothing to do with this matter.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter from Indian Agent (Jno Dougherty) To Clerk, S.I.A.St.L. (Geo Maguire)
Date: 1838-12-20
Volume: G Page: 144 (Microfilm reel MF-3166)
Author(s): Jno Dougherty (Indian Agent);
Recipient(s): Geo Maguire (Clerk S.I.A.St.L.);
Contents: Encloses a memorandum handed to Dougherty by Billy Caldwell, a Pottawattomie chief. The memorandum contained a list of items for Dougherty to ask about.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Comments: The contents of the memorandum are in the handwritten Volume G. Contents of memorandum may also be found in the book, "Indian Letters & Speeches."
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