William Clark Papers
Results of Query:
Keyword: ill
Dates: From 1808 to 1884
Sorted: By date
Page 5 of 173 showing 10 records of 1728 total,
starting on record 411 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-08-08
Volume: 6 Page: 6 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Joseph M. Street, U.S. Indian Agent, Prairie du Chien;
Recipient(s): Wm. Clark, S.I.A.St.L.;
Contents: U.S. Indian Agent, Prairie du Chien (Joseph M. Street) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Reports killing of five Chippewas by a party of Sioux; the Chippewas are organizing for retaliation; white workers at mill endangered; Menominees and Winnebagoes are quiet.
Description: Copy of letter. 3p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-08-16
Volume: 6 Page: 4 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Lawrence Taliaferro, U.S. Indian Agent, St. Peters;
Recipient(s): Alex. Culbertson; Alexis Bailly; Joseph Rolette;
Contents: U.S. Indian Agent, St. Peters (Lawrence Taliaferro) To Joseph Rolette, Alexis Bailly, Alex. Culbertson, &c. &c. Notifying all Indian traders that liquor is prohibited within the agency.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Comments: Headed: "Circular." See also letter of Aug. 17, pp. 5-6.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-08-27
Volume: 6 Page: 8 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Jos. M. Street, U.S. Ind. Agent, Prairie du Chien;
Recipient(s): Wm. Clark, S.I.A.St.L.;
Contents: U.S. Ind. Agent, Prairie du Chien(Jos. M. Street) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Sioux are quiet; Menominees encamped at mill for summer hunt; discusses matter of Indians between Lake Superior and the Mississippi who should be under St. Louis superintendency.
Description: Copy of letter. 2p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-09-04
Volume: 4 Page: 158 (Microfilm reel MS-94)
Author(s): Wm. Clark, S.I.A.St.L;
Recipient(s): Col. T. L. McKenney;
Contents: U.S. Supt. of Ind. Aff., St. Louis (Wm. Clark) To Col. T. L. McKenney. Asks about claims against Indians in his Superintendency, which will be taken out of the annuities due the Indians. Wants medals and likeness of Genl. Jackson, also flags.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-09-07
Volume: 6 Page: 18 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Colonel Willoughby Morgan, Headquarters Fort Crawford;
Recipient(s): Major Bliss;
Contents: Morgan, Colonel (Willoughby) Head Quarters, Fort Crawford To Major Bliss. Wapasha, Sioux chief says five of his nation killed by Sac & Fox war party; wants Sacs & Foxes informed that Sioux want peace.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Comments: See also, letter p. 17.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-09-10
Volume: 6 Page: 1 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Wm. S. Williamson, U.S. sub-agent, Galena;
Recipient(s): Wm. Clark, S.I.A.St.L.;
Contents: U.S. Indian sub-agent (Wm. S. Williamson, Galena To Genl. Clark. Concerning steps taken to keep whites from mining in the area around Dubuque's mines, in Indian country; mentions thefts by Sacs & Winnebagoes of horses and oxen; asks instructions on handling matter.
Description: Copy of letter. 2p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-09-13
Volume: 6 Page: 14 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Peter Menard, Jr., U.S. Ind. Sub-agent, Peoria;
Recipient(s): Wm. Clark, S.I.A.St.L.;
Contents: U.S. Ind. Sub-agent, Peoria(Peter Menard, Jr.) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Has just returned from Chicago; will bring accounts to St. Louis.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-09-17
Volume: 6 Page: 13 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): John Dougherty, U.S.I.Agt Upper Missouri Agency;
Recipient(s): Wm. Clark, S.I.A.St.L.;
Contents: U.S. I.A. Upper Missouri Agency (John Dougherty) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Sends Doctor T.S. Bryant's bills for attendance on Indians at Cant. Leavenworth.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-09-20
Volume: 4 Page: 167 (Microfilm reel MS-94)
Author(s): Wm. Clark, S.I.A.St.L;
Recipient(s): P.G. Randolph, Acting Sec. of War.;
Contents: U.S. Supt. of Ind. Aff., St. Louis (Wm. Clark) To P.G. Randolph, Acting Sec. of War. Acknowledges letter concerning remittances and requesting estimates, etc.; also letter on subject of Sioux attack on the Chippeways. Has no positive information as yet as to nationality of Cadot who was killed in the attack.
Description: Copy of letter. 2p.
Comments: Published in Serial 245, pp. 122-123.
Title: Letter
Date: 1830-09-21
Volume: 6 Page: 19 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Jos. M.Street, U.S. Ind. Agt, Prairie du Chien;
Recipient(s): Wm. Clark, S.I.A.St.L.;
Contents: U.S. Ind. Agt., P. du Chien (Jos. M. Street) To Genl Wm. Clark. Sends depositions relating to animals stolen by Sacs and Winnebago; Menominees determined to retaliate for Chippewa killings; after council they promise not to seek revenge; has refused Joseph Rolette a trading liense for location on Birch River,though Wabashaw, Sioux chief pleaded for it; Rolette intends to trade anyway.
Description: Copy of letter. 3p.
Comments: (See letter of 8/6/1830. also "circular" of 8/16/1830, and letter of 9/10/1830.)
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