William Clark Papers
Results of Query:
Keyword: agency
Dates: From 1808 to 1884
Sorted: By date
Page 9 of 50 showing 10 records of 499 total,
starting on record 815 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-05-28
Volume: 6 Page: 198 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): T.P. Burnett, Acting U.S.I.A., Prairie du Chien;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S. Actng I.A., Prairie du Chien (T.P. Burnett) To Genl. William Clark. Concerning agency funds; Col. Morgan has talked with Sacs and Foxes, and Sioux of the Agency; has no report on results.
Description: Copy of letter. 3p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-06-06
Volume: 6 Page: 217 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): P.L. Chouteau, U.S.I.A. for Osages;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S.I.A. for Osages (P.L. Chouteau) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Describes present poor and inconvenient location of the Osage agency; wants to remove it to White Hair's town on the Neosho River.
Description: Copy of letter. 3p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-06-10
Volume: 6 Page: 203 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Andrew S. Hughes, U.S.I.A., Ioway Agency;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S.I.A., Ioway Agency (And. S. Hughes) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Corn planting is underway; discusses ability of Mr. Duncan as an agriculturist. Assistant needed.
Description: Copy of letter. 2p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-06-10
Volume: 6 Page: 206 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): John Dougherty, U.S.I.A., Cant. Leavenworth;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S.I.A., Upper Missouri Agency (John Dougherty) To Genl. William Clark. Sends Major Davenport's note on subject of building quarters for the Indian Agent.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Comments: See Mjr. Davenport's note on p. 205.
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-06-11
Volume: 6 Page: 206 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Peter Menard, Jr., U.S.I. sub agent, Peoria;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S.I. Sub agent, Peoria Sub agency (Peter Menard, Jr.) To Genl. William Clark. Hopes agency can be moved to a more suitable place; United tribe of the Agency want their annuities; asks advice on dealing with Mr. Ogee, the U.S. Interpreter who is intoxicated most of the time.
Description: Copy of letter. 2p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-06-28
Volume: 6 Page: 228 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Jon. L. Bean, U.S.I. sub agent, Sioux sub agency;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S.I. sub agent, Sioux sub agency, Upper Missouri (Jon. L. Bean) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Discusses expenses of trip, and freight matters.
Description: Copy of letter
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-06-28
Volume: 6 Page: 234 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Jon. L. Bean, U.S.I. sub agent, Sioux sub agency;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S,I. sub agent, Sioux sub agency, Upper Missouri (Jon. L. Bean) To General Wm. Clark. Has arrived at sub agency after 68-day steamboat journey; discusses difficulties over apportioning of annuities for Yancton and Sanlie bands of Sioux; hopes to get quarters built before fall; asks about making out first half-year's accounts.
Description: Copy of letter. 2p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-07-05
Volume: 6 Page: 225 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): M.G. Clark, U.S. Sub-Agt., Kansas Agency;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S. Ind. Sub Agt., Kansas Agency (M.G. Clark) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Sends accounts, etc. for second quarter of 1831; Kansas Indians are restless; they resent checking of their war with Pawnees; also deny sale of their lands north of Kansas River; Discusses complexities of mode of paying annuities; improvements made on Kansas lands.
Description: Copy of letter. 2p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-07-06
Volume: 6 Page: 224 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Jos. M. Street, U.S. Ind. Agt., Prairie du Chien;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S. Ind. AGt., Prairie du Chien (Jos. M. Street) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Winnebagoes of his agency peacable; only renegades of their tribe and others at Prophet's Village war-like.
Description: Copy of letter. 1p.
Title: Letter
Date: 1831-07-06
Volume: 6 Page: 223 (Microfilm reel MS-95)
Author(s): Felix St. Vrain, U.S. Ind. Agt. Rock Island;
Recipient(s): William Clark, S.I.A., St. Louis;
Contents: U.S. Ind. Agt., Rock Island Indian Agency (Felix St. Vrain) To Genl. Wm. Clark. Has paid Sac and Fox annuities; has retained $200 for the bands in Missouri.
Description: Copy of letter
Comments: Copy of letter. 1p.
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